CHAPTER 25: Dont Recall

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Namjoon got me back to the dorm. It was already 7PM. As I searched for my keys to open, my phone rang.


"YN!.......Im just outside your dorm you have time?" Hoseok sounded excited.



"Ok Im coming". I hang up and got outside to meet him.

As soon as I came out he gave me a tight hug.

"Whats the occasion?"

"I didnt have the chance to speak with you since last night".

"Well we did speak today".

"I know but there is something else I want to tell you".

He let go of me to free me from the hug and took my hands in his.

"Firstly, I slept with you last night because I was jealous seeing you with Keith."

My eyes widened at his statement.

"But wait.....before you get mad....secondly.....I slept with you because you did something to me"

"Whats that?"

"You made me fall for you.....I love you YN".


He leaned in for a kiss. A gentle kiss.

He slightly broke it while his breath was still on my cheek. "I love you and I need you in my life....."


"YN....please dont hold back....please let me love you". His own tears fell against my cheek.

I pulled away from him slighty to look into his eyes. His eyes were watery as he waited for my answer. I wiped his tears with my thumbs as I held his face.

"I love you too, Hosoek".

A smile formed on his face. "Thank you for returning my love".

He claimed my lips again....passionately. I was trapped between him and the wall.

As the kiss intensified, his hands got up to my neck to caress it in a strange the last time.

His grib started to tighten around my neck.

Just then....he pulled away suddenly frantically panting as though he had run a marathon.

His eyes darted back and forth.

"Did I hurt you?!" He walked away from me backwards.

"No, no you were just showing me how much you love me".

Beads of sweat already formed on his forehead.

"Hoseok are you ok?"

He sighed deeply. "Im....Im fine....Im just glad I did not hurt you".

I was still confused. I walked up to him. "Im fine....see?....Im not hurt anywhere".

He hugged me again. "Please dont get hurt ok".

"Ok I wont." I patted his back gently. My own tears fell down.

"Hoseok, please tell me the truth".

He pulled away from me to search my eyes.

"Why did you take all those sleeping pills".

His eyes shifted away from mine and his grip on my shoulders tightened.

"I.....I couldnt sleep."


"I dont know YN.......I just know that I needed them to help me sleep".

My heart sank at his words.

"Everytime you were with me, I would sleep through the night and the times you wouldnt be with me......I was back to taking them."

"But Hoseok, something must have happened to make you take so much".

"This time it was different, even if you were with me, I couldnt sleep through the night and I dont know why.......I dont recall".

He suddenly started to plead with tears rushing back to his eyes.

"Please dont leave me ......I dont know whats wrong with me....."

"Hey, Im here ok?". I held his face again. "We will figure everything out together ok?"

He nodded and buried his head into the crook of my neck.

"Its cold outside. Lets get into my dorm before the gatekeeper shuts us out again".

Inside we had some tea together and cuddled on the bed.

"I always want to be with you YN......". He said in a sleepy voice.

He stroked my huge puffy afro that had a mind of its own.

Hoseok needs help, I dont know how but I need to help him.



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