CHAPTER 26: Inquiry

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Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon sat in a cafe. Namjoon had called for them as they are the oldest and wisest.

"Why I am here?......Hitman Bang will soon wonder why I have gone out.....I rarely go out you know".

"Hyung this is serious....its urgent.....something is wrong with Hoseok".

"Isnt he happy with YN?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Its deeper than that......YN called me yesterday to speak to me about certain 'things' she saw".

"Namjoon.....I dont understand what you are talking this about the fight with Keith again?". Jin asked.

"No, this is different.....YN was distraught when I met her.....she told me Hoseok has 14 different brands of sleeping pills and he took each of them last night"

"Sleeping pills?!" Both Jin and Yoongi both exclaimed.

"The agency cant know", Yoongi sternly said.

"YN said Hoseok is always defensive when she asked him about them".

"Something is seriously going on, but what is it?". Jin was started to stress.

Just then, Namjoon received a text from me.

"Its YN...she says Hoseok doesnt remember why he took the pills".

Namjoon started to read the rest of the message:

He said he would sleep through the night whenever Im with him and use the pills when Im not with him but this time, even if I was with him, he had to use them to sleep.

Namjoon looked up from his phone. His fists started to tighten.

Jin held his hands to calm him down.

"We have to figure out why this is happening without the agency knowing". Yoongi was the first to speak.

"I knew something was wrong from that night when he became so violent at your birthday party." Namjoon said. "Its like he spaced out and blocked us all from reality."

"Could it be that something in the past....before we met him happened that causes him to use the pills?.....we know about his hate of closets and elevators....but dont you think that has something to do with why he needs the pills?" Yoongi asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

"We need to speak with his aunt", Namjoon suggested. "Something is definitely triggering his behaviour.

"But how will we do that without Hoseok suspecting anything?". Jin asked.

"We will think of something..dont worry. Namjoon assured Jin.


It was monday morning. School was busy and classes were packed.

I walked down the hallway to the dance studio thinking about everything that happened over the weekend and what a weekend it was.

The angry sex

The pills

The confession

I tiredly opened the door to find the dance teacher already making announcements. Looking at the bunch of students, I spotted Hoseok and for the first time, I realized he came to class earlier than me. He gave me a warm smile and looked back at the teacher.

"The judges have made their decision, three couples have been selected for further evaluation. Top couple is Hoseok and YN.......your footwork is what caught the eye of the judges and your match well together".

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