CHAPTER 45: Stay With Me?

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Hoseok quickly answered the phone like his life depended on it.


We need to talk.

Sure YN, where can we meet?

The park....come at 7PM...I will be free after I finish practice with Keith

Hoseok's breath got caught midway through his throat. Keith? But he didnt say this out loud. There was a pause on the phone.


Yes, Im here. I'll be there I promise.


The park was almost empty as most people started to pack up their picnic packages. Hoseok got there before I did....surprisingly.

I walked towards the bench and he stood up as he saw me. The wind was very strong and blew my afro in all sorts of directions. I sat down with him on the bench. Struggling to keep my 'fro out of my face, Hoseok noticed and lifted his hand to pull some of the hair away from my face.

He was incredibly close as he did this. "Im sorry your hair had to delay the beginning of this conversation". I giggled at his words. "No worries, its just windy today".

"I want to talk about last weekend and what we...did", I swallowed as I spoke.

"Right, Im all ears". Speaking of ears, his own ears got red at the thought of what had happened between us.

"Im not sure if I did that with you out of frustration or because I genuinely missed you. Theres a blurred line".

Hoseok looked at me still confused at my words. "What do you mean?"

"I want to know what last weekend means to us". I said.

"It means everything to me". Hoseok began to speak. "I want you back". He took my hand in his and looked into my eyes. "I dont want last weekend to be the last time I get to be with you".

I looked down and he immediately lifted up my chin to look at him. "Dont avoid my eyes please".

"I love you Hoseok, but I dont know why you wont let me in completely. I know there is something you are having trouble with but you wont let me be there for you. I gave you time, but you still didnt open up to me".

I paused before I continued to speak. "Why the pills? Why the sleepless nights? Why the nightmares?"

Hoseok froze and remained silent. This time, he was the one avoiding my eyes.

"If you could just tell me these things then maybe I can be with you and help you through them."

"I dont know, YN".

I scoffed at him out of frustration and stood up to leave. "Please" He grabbed my wrist. "I dont know whats wrong with me.....I have been receiving treatment....all I have been told is that I get severe migraines occassionally".

I paused and looked back at him. "What do you mean?"

"Since my aunt returned, I discovered that I suffered from a serious migraine that I had to be put to sleep. I dont know why.....and maybe its connected to my sleepless nights. Please trust me".

My eyes softened at his words. He seemed sincere this time. "I guess you truly dont know anything yourself huh?"

He nodded. "I just get these unbearable migraines and trust me, I want to know just as much as you do".

I sat back down and took his hand in mine. "I will wait for your treatment to be completed."

"Can you please stay with me?"

Hoseok swallowed hard. "Stay by my side until I get better?"

"I will".


"I promise I will wait until you get better so that you can love me better". I gave him a small smile as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you".

I felt his tear fall on my shoulder and it flowed down my back.


A/N: I swear this chapter was not supposed to be this short but juggling between my thesis and chinese is such a bitch

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A/N: I swear this chapter was not supposed to be this short but juggling between my thesis and chinese is such a bitch. I hate school, who else does? Lmao

Deathly Love || Hoseok FF Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang