Meeting Part 3

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Notes: (y/n)= Your Name

(f/p)= Favorite Pet

(f/p/n)= Favorite Pet Name

(y/l/n) = Your Last Name

(y/np/n)= Your Nephews Name

Warning: None.

Gifs are not mine.

Meeting the Avengers

Thor Odinson (Thor): You started your shift at your Grandparents Diner, wrapping the apron around your waist and rather your notepad and a pen

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Thor Odinson (Thor): You started your shift at your Grandparents Diner, wrapping the apron around your waist and rather your notepad and a pen. You tied your hair into a messy bun that had a couple of strands sticking out but you didn't really mind it much. Your shift was pretty uneventful until you heard the shattering of glass from the backroom , quickly you stepped out to see what was going on to see your Grandmother in pure shock with her open wide open "(y/n) he just broke one of my coffee mugs." she said silently you walked out to the diner floor away from the bar, "Excuse me?" you said clearing your throat to have 4 sets of eyes on you paying full attention to you, you scoffed and directed your head to the broken mug on the floor. "Oh. We are so sorry, our friend isn't from here. Thor, apologize." The brunette with the glasses said looking at the blonde haired man. "I sincerely apologize my lady. The drink was very delicious." he said with a big smile on his face. You simply sighed and nodded as you went to pick up the big shards of glass that laid next to the table. "Please allow me to help, I caused this." the blonde haired man said racing to assist you "No sir, its fine. If you were to get hurt we can be fined, I appreciate the effort though." you said, but it was as if you were talking to a wall because the blonde haired man ignored you and began to pick up the glass shards. "Ouch!" you heard from the man, rushing to his side. You groan when you see the blood begin to drip from his hands "Follow me sir." You say holding his arm directing him to follow you that way you are able to treat his wound and avoid being sued. "Please sit and do not touch anything." You say grabbing the first aid kit and a near bucket placing it in front of the man grabbing his hand, applying the alcohol to his hand which earned a slight wince "I'm sorry sir." you said as you passed the alcohol pad across his palm "Thor." he said sternly. "Excuse me?" you said looking at him while reaching over for the wrap "My name is Thor, and who are you my lady?" he said looking at your wrap his wounded hand. "I am (y/n) and I wouldn't go that far into calling me a lady sir.. I mean Thor. Well your all bandaged up." You said smiling at him and he mumbled a thank you and proceeded to walk back to the front of the diner to meet with his friends. "Have a good day lady (y/n)" Thor said before exiting the Diner with a small smile on his face.

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