Valentine's Day Series (Avengers)

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You were practicing your archery since it was "mediocre". You always prefer to practice when pissed because the anger translates into a very long and crucial work out "You'll never be good kid , why bother?" Those words circled your head until you dropped the bow and arrow to pick up the guns on the table and began shooting the practice dummy "(Y/N)!" You heard a voice shot from the side of you but you continued shooting the dummy your anger growing inside you. A hand snatched the gun out of your hands and those same hands pushed you against a wall until you were caged by Clint. "What the hell Clint!" You say yelling at him as you realize his body is pressed against yours so you wouldn't be able to escape "No (Y/N) the better statement is what the hell is wrong with you?" He asked looking at you with soft eyes but he didn't remove his body "Fury... he said so painful things and it just pissed me off ... I was just reliving anger." You say simply shrugging your shoulders "Fuck him, he's an old talentless man who hates to see people prosper." Clint said in a dark low tone finally removing his body off of yours and it only took you a second to realize that once he took off his body all the heat carried between you was gone. You and him looked at each other feeling the same loss, you both didn't speak for a few minutes before you both latched your lips together, the kiss was animalistic as if you were both craving a deeper connection you weren't able to find anywhere else. You both broke apart for breath "God I've been waiting to do that for so fucking long you have no idea." Clint says breathing heavily balancing his forehead on yours "No time like the present huh?" You say looking at his eyes then his lips "If this continues I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself." Clint says slowly backing away from you but before he's out of arms reach you grab the fabric of his shirt bringing his face to your "Good. Don't control yourself." You say lowly before kissing him waiting for him to respond which he does as he deepens the kiss, some time flies by before he picks you up and wraps you around him taking you to his bedroom to do wicked things to you. "Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite couple" Natasha screams running past Clint's door.

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