Baby Time (Elijah Kelley)

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Elijah Kelley:

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Elijah Kelley:

Picture not mine.

Tonight was the Grand Opening of your new restaurant and thousands of people had come up to show support and eat their money away but the people who mattered was your boyfriend Elijah and your daughter (Y/D/N). As soon as you cut the ribbon people started to pour into the restaurant "Thank god its two floors or else this wouldn't end well." You said to Elijah, he was holding your daughters hand tightly, he bent down and whispered something in her ear that made her smile and automatically relax, those two had such a bond you would've believed that Elijah was her actual father but it's a shame he wasn't. You had your daughter 5 years ago with a man who thought of you as his world until you walked in on him cheating with your best friend at the time and during your entire pregnancy Elijah was there for you every step of the way even when he didn't have to be but when it cam to you giving birth Elijah was there telling you all the amazing things your daughter is going to do and be when she grows up, he even signed her birth certificate as her father and it took being a dad very seriously "The two most important ladies in my life, with me in this amazing restaurant  i think it would be a crime if we didn't eat." Elijah said which caused my daughter to give him a big toothy smile which made me think that they were up to something because they always were troublemakers. Dinner came and went and just as you were about to close the restaurant Elijah stood on one of the tables with your daughter "Everyone ! I know you're tired and just want to go home but I have something to say! Now I'm sure you all know that, this lovely women standing in front of me is the owner and creator of this restaurant and that this lovely young girl is the best daughter any man could ask for. These two women mean the world to me, now I already got the approval of these lovely girl to become my legal daughter, now all I need is the hand of my woman to become my wife. (Y/N) will you do the honor of marrying me?" Elijah says getting off the table and down on one knee. You hear gasp all around you cover you mouth due to pure shock and begin to cry you look over to your daughter who is nodding like crazy when the words finally come out "Yes," and with those words Elijah picks you up and kisses you all over your face and grabs your daughters hand helping off the table and hugging the both of you. "Soon we'll be the Kelley family." Elijah says holding us tightly together.

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