A Date in The Stars.

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You looked in the mirror one last time making sure you looked good, John told you to be causal but you were so nervous you felt you over dressed yourself and the knock at the door brought you to a freeze. "(Y/N)? Ready?" You hear John's accent through the door before your brain could process what your hands were doing the was open revealing a relaxed John, he wore black jeans a white button up and a pair of black sneakers "(Y/N) as stunning as you look right now, for where we're going I would suggest you wore sneakers." John said leaning on the door frame waiting for you to get changed, you ran to your room to change quickly once you stepped out he gave you a nod "Now you're ready." He said offering his arm which you accepted without hesitation, you'd locked your house door and continued to walk to wherever it was John was taking you.

It had been 4 months since you'd met John and from the first meeting you instantly fell victim to his elegant accent, personality and his handsome smile but whenever you saw John on set you tried to avoid him to avoid looking stupid in front of him and you father never knew you had a crush on John because he was so invested in his work that he paid you no mind but John knew and he was determined to ask you out and after 4 months it had finally happened thus leading to today.

You felt John stand behind you covering your eyes "Just walk I'll guide you if I have to (Y/N)" John whispered in your ear slowly you nodded walking with arms on your hips steering you in the correct direction "John are we almost there?" You said laughing because the suspense was killing you "Open." John said softly letting his hands go allowing you to open your eyes to see the beautiful ice skating rink that was designed as if it was straight out of Star Wars and next to it inside was a candlelit table you turned back to face John "You did all this for me?" You asked feeling all your emotions hit you like a truck "Well I can't take all the credit, Daisy's idea was the dinner and your father's idea was the ice skating rink so I had help along the way. I just wanted to impress you." John said looking at you with soft eyes you wrapped your arms around him "Thank you, this is truly amazing." You said and he hugged you back "Let's eat first, I hear an amazing movie is playing now." He says taking your hand and dragging you into the candlelit area, what you thought was a table was actually a dining table it was a coffee table and the chairs were really a couch, John left to get the food and he came back holding a box of pizza, huge bowl of popcorn and 2 cups with soda.

"I said causal right?" He said impersonating Daisy causing you to nod laughing on the couch "Good, now the movie shall start in a few seconds." He said sitting on the couch pulling you closer to him, he began to play with your hair as you hear the Star Wars theme song begin "John! You're truly amazing, this is my like my dream date." You said turning to look at him "Good because you're my dream woman." He says and before you could respond he kissed your forehead "Now we must watch-""and be one with the force." You finish John's sentence as you turn to watch the movie. After the movie was finished the Pizza was eaten , mainly by John the popcorn was all on the floor due to the epic popcorn fight you and John had mid movie and the soda was gone so you and John had started drinking water "This was truly a date from the heavens." You said now sitting up "It's not over yet, one more thing we have to do." He said motioning for you to follow him which you did, he led you to a beautiful room filled with music "Dance with me." John said holding out his hand, you took it trusting him as you two began swaying on the dance floor so close "You know I never truly understood why you ran away from me on set, were you scared? Am I ugly to you? Or was I so famous you were intimidated?" He said laughing and you could feel his muscles tighten "Definitely none of the above, more like I was afraid of embarrassing myself." You said laughing along with John.

"You're too incredible to be worried about embarrassing yourself, (Y/N) I use to spend most of my break time looking for you. So you truly couldn't have been as bad as me." He said smiling looking at your face "Well, John I never took you for a true romantic man." You said raising an eyebrow at him "I guess it simply takes the right woman." He said moving his face closer to yours "May I kiss you (Y/N)?" He asked just centimeters away from your lips, you nod gently and then you feel his soft lips on yours giving you a sweet peck that became slightly deeper. "Well, you were worth all the days of looking crazy asking for you I'll tell you that. You make me feel like the force is always with me." He said breaking away from the kiss leaning his forehead on you're winking. "Come on my stormtrooper, time to call it a night." You said walking ahead of John but had another idea as he ran to you and picked you up into his arms "I shall defend my princess from this foul walk home." He said as he walked through the streets with ease as you were in his arms.

Your eyes started to fall as you began to become more comfortable in his arms "Goodnight, my brave warrior." you said softly closing your eyes having sleep take over your body and once you had woken up you were changed and tucked in your bed with a note on your bedside table when you went to open it you read.

"Dear (Y/N), I had a wonderful magical night and I hope you truly enjoyed it, and I would love to do it again. Yes, I did change you but I didn't take off your undergarments... it was awkward for me too, I did however take your keys to lock your door, it's under the roses and Starbuck I left you, I hope you enjoy darling I shall see you soon."

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