Wake Up Call (PT 2 of Should it be)

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Algee was sitting in his room staring at his favorite picture of you and him "Damn, (Y/N)

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Algee was sitting in his room staring at his favorite picture of you and him "Damn, (Y/N)... I shouldn't be feeling this way about you, you're my best friend for god sakes." He said looking at the picture of you two he was lost in thought until he heard a knock on his door "Algee..." he heard your voice through the door, he walked to it softly trying not to make noise as he approached the door because he had been ignoring you for a whole week trying to figure out his feelings towards you but to no avail because he still couldn't grasp his feelings for you.

"(Y/N)... why are you here?" He said opening the door to reveal your puffy eyes and tears streaming down your face "Oh (Y/N)... what's wrong?" He said wrapping you in his arms tightly ensuring that you were warm and safe "You've been ignoring me... so Kyle from my English class... he tried to touch me.. he said since my boyfriend wasn't to be found it was his chance.. but I kicked him in the nuts and ran here.. I needed you.. and you weren't there Algee..." you said crying in his chest while punching him softly "Oh baby girl I'm so sorry." He said bringing you into his room closing the door while you walked over to the side of his bed "I'll kill him (Y/N). He's fucking dead." He said pacing the room in frustration.

"Where were you? Where have you been this whole week?" You said wiping your tears and trying to muster up some courage to confront him. "(Y/N) I just needed to get my head straight , so many things have been going on around me and I haven't been able to control them." Algee said sighing as he sat next to you "So instead of talking to me about it, you just choose to abandon me?" You ask looking down at the ground still hurt "I'm so sorry , I never thought something like this would happen to you (Y/N)." Algee said reaching over to hold your hand softly trying to make you comfortable.

"Well it almost did no thanks to you, I can't believe you just left me without a word or warning your suppose to be my best-" the words were taken from your mouth as you felt Algees lips latch onto yours in a sweet and gentle motion "I don't want that to come out of your mouth (Y/N) I can no longer be your best friend, if you say it again I think I'll snap. I want you, all of you. I want you to be my girl , mine, I don't want this best friend love we have I want to give you real love.. but say the word and we can both forget this ever happened.." Algee said looking deeply into your eyes as he held you face with his hands, you didn't respond to him because you were in such shock so you did the only thing that came to mind.

You leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the lips not allowing yourselves to break apart until you need air "I've had so many dreams about doing that." You say quietly licking your lips "Well you can do it all you like because I'm yours, if you'll have me." Algee said looking at you with hopeful eyes "I would be crazy not to huh?" You said kissing his lips softly once again.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some asshole ass to beat." Algee said getting up and marching out the door "Algee wait!" You yelled running after him. 

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