Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Disasters

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Algee sat in the corner sulking already regretting the fact that he let the boys plan out his bachelor party, he had his drink in one hand and phone in the other waiting for (Y/N) to answer him hoping she was as miserable as he was at the moment. He watched the strippers perform their routine on his cast mates but he didn't budge from his seat "Come on man! This is your last night to be a free guy and you're wasting perfectly good money but sitting here! So stop thinking about (Y/N) with you heart and think about this strippers with your dick!" a drunk Woody screamed over the loud music causing Algee to roll his eyes and sigh, Woody may think he was right but Algee no longer cared for the fast life of an actor he had (Y/N) the woman of his dreams and he didn't want any other women on him. "Man I know that look, you're thinking about her. Aren't you?" Keith said sliding into the booth with a glass of wine in his hands "Yeah man, of course. Tomorrow she's going to be my wife, I don't want to or need to screw that up by having these girls dance on me or try to get a feel for me. Why aren't you out there enjoying yourself?" Algee asked looking at Keith who shrugged "Their kind of boring, i've seen better. No offense." He said laughing "None, taken I'm not paying for them. That would be Woody and Luke's money being wasted." Algee said finally laughing for the first time tonight "Look I have an actual good way to spend your bachelor party if you're up for the challenge." Keith said getting up and walking to the exit cause Algee to follow quietly

Meanwhile at your bachelorette party every corner you turn there is a new dick flying next to it, and even though most of the ladies here are single you wouldn't think they needed so many men in this one room for the night. You quickly make your way to the balcony trying to catch some air that isn't mixed with sexual tension and lust, you can finally breathe at ease. You look down at your phone still waiting for Algee's text that doesn't seem to come "Thinking about baby love?" you heard your mom say behind you, you turn back to face her and give her a slight smile "That obvious?" you said looking back at the party scrunching up your face when you see the strippers shoving their dicks in your bridesmaids faces. "Come baby girl mama, knows what will make you feel better." Your mom said grabbing your arm leading you out the door to see what she has in mind as a good idea.

Algee and Keith were driving the company Range Rover to crash your bachelorette party only they didn't know that your mom and you were also in your Camry on your way to crash Algee's bachelor party. The drive was going well on both sides until you and Algee hit Grands Road and that's when the true magical moment happened "Babe!" you hear a voice call from a car next to you and as you turn you see your soon to be husband in the car next to yours "Where are you going?" you both said in unison cause you both to laugh "Pull over!" Algee said parking near the parking lot and you followed him. 

Once you both got out of the car you ran into his arms holding him so tight "God I've missed you, the party is a nightmare from hell." you said burying your face in his chest taking in his presence and smell "Baby all I could do is think about you as I was sitting there in my own hell." he says holding you closer to his playing with your hair "Baby can we just ditch everyone and go home and doing nothing, but lay next to each other and talk about our future." you said looking at him with puppy eyes which caused him to cave automatically, he swopped you up into his arms are carried you to the Ranger Rover "We'll meet you guys there." Your mom said as she perched up in your Camry with Keith in the passenger's seat causing you and Algee to smile as you sped off to reach the house "God I love you." you said holding his hand "I love the fact that we're running away from our parties together" he said bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it "You better not think about running away from our wedding tomorrow." you said seriously looking at Algee "i've been waiting my whole life for you, so i don't think I'm running off anywhere, don't worry about me baby." he said kissing your hand once again.

Before you knew it you were at the house "Movies, popcorn and shit talking?" you asked holding his hand as you both walked to the house "Do you even have to ask baby." he said running to the house which caused you to chase after him. This is the party you both wanted and finally got one way or another.

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