Baby Time (Bryshere Gray)

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Bryshere Y

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Bryshere Y. Gray:

Gifs not mine.

You were stuck on the highway, you should've been home nearly an hour ago but heavy rain equals crazy traffic for some odd reason. You had called your fiancé Bryshere to let him know you would be late and asked him to take your son a bath, that way when you got home all you had to do was feed him and tuck him in. You were now about 10 minutes away when Bryshere FaceTimed you "Babe, um why is he crying he never cries when you bathe him," he says sounding a bit nervous "Are you in the tub with him?" you ask looking straight ahead now you're about 5 minutes away "No." he plainly says "Well that's why he's crying, he feels lonely. Baby I'm about to be at the house in a few minutes just try to calm him down. I love you," you say hanging up on him just as you're about to pull in the driveway. Once you opened the door you hear splashes passing through the hall, you make your way to the bathroom to see your fiancé being attacked by your son in the water "I don't think he likes bath time with me (Y/N) baby you make this looks so easy." he whined and gave you the puppy eyes, you got down and began to clean your son before taking him out and changing your son into his pjs and after he was fed and burped you began to rock him to sleep until you felt his breathing at a steady pace. You laid him in his crib before leaving the room to see your husband all tucked in for bed, you slowly climbed in to join him "Did I ever tell you what an amazing mother you are?" he said wrapping his arm around you "Nope." you say tracing shapes on his chest "Well damn baby you are one kick ass mom, but you're a better fiancé." he says kissing your forehead.

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