Valentine's Day Series (Avengers)

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You were pissed, no beyond pissed purely outraged "Loki, are you fucking serious ! You invite me to Asgard for what? HUH!? To humiliate me? I'm just your human puppet huh? Nothing more than a woman to please your needs! You fucking DISGUST ME! I should've listen when they said you were full of shit but of course I believed you and gave you a chance because I'm a FUCKING IDIOT. Where the hell is Thor when I fucking need him?! THOR!!!! You better get your Asgard Prince Ass here now I want to go home! You were right !" You yelled at the top of your head not caring who say you. Loki betrayed you in so many ways in a matter of a few minutes. You tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge "Loki open this door or so god help me!" You yelled turning to see Loki sitting calmly on the bed "I am a GOD, and I will treated as a GOD women." He said in a dark tone moving closer to you "No you're an ASSHOLE , you're a WEAK excuse of a MAN. That's what you are." Before you could even process what was going on you were chained to the bed, "You have NO RIGHT using your magic on me ESPECIALLY ON A BED YOU JUST FUCKED SOME WHORE ON! HOW DARE YOU!" You yelled, you felt the tears roll down your face . "I LOVED YOU... and you betrayed me.... you lied to me.... Why... why would you do that?" You said softly your sobs taking over your voice, this was the first time Loki felt your pain and he didn't like it "Baby, that wasn't me, I was with Thor the entire time and I know you won't believe me but Thor is a god who cannot lie... I would never do anything that unspeakable to you, I made you a promise that I would love you forever & I meant that." Loki said slowly sitting next to the chains off your hands "So why didn't you defend yourself?" You ask trying to regain composure "Only men who are guilty defend themselves." He said holding your face in his hands "Well why were you with Thor?" You asked him wiping the tears from your eyes "Well... um... I was asking Thor if he thought it would be a good idea to make you mine permanently..." Loki said causing you to hate yourself that instant this man was planning to ask you to marry him he wasn't screwing another woman and just as you were about to talk the other man walked in "Hello Loki... lady (Y/N)..." the man said nervous and this is when Loki rose up from the bed walking towards the frightened boy slowly "You had my beloved wife think I was cheating on her-" he said moving his hand to cause the air to choke the man "and you then say horrible things about my beautiful wife. Darling how do you feel towards this young man should I spare this insolent fool for his behavior that nearly drove you away from me." Loki said not even looking back at you because he wanted a verbal answer to please his drive. "Darling no , we can settle drives of pleasure in other ways." You whispered in his ear standing behind him sliding your hands down his chest causing him to stiffen "Get out of my sight . I will find you later." Loki says letting the hold he had on the boy vanish, the boy fled the room then Loki turned to you "What ways are you promising me my future bride?" He said raising a playful eyebrow "Come here and find out." You said patting the bed just this mere interaction caused Loki to teleport to the bed awaiting your ways of pleasure .

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