Lady In Red II

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Gifs not mineA/N: It's here guys! I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first one!Weeks after the "Lady in Red" incident it was still being posted and talked about by any reporter who interviewed Chris but today was your interview with a ...

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Gifs not mine

A/N: It's here guys! I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first one!

Weeks after the "Lady in Red" incident it was still being posted and talked about by any reporter who interviewed Chris but today was your interview with a few colleagues of Marvel to discuss the plans for the upcoming Marvel movies. You straighten your posture, flattened your hair down, and looked at outfit once more the white dress was very loose around your body making you feel free and open another dress (Y/B/F) styled for not trying to attract much attention unlike your devil red dress. "Ready (Y/N)?" Joe Quesada said looking at you through the mirror, you smiled and nodded turning towards him walking outside of the dressing room, Joe Quesada was Marvel's Chief Creative Officer and although he wasn't your boss you always gave him the utmost respect because he truly had so much on his plate when something like this happened.

You walked onto Jimmy Kimmel's set looking around in awe never in a million years did you think you would be in here for an interview, you looked over to the audience who looked so ecstatic at the mere reveal of the brain behind the Marvel movies "Come please sit, although (Y/N) I would like you to sit near me." Kimmel said patting the first spot on the couch you walked over trying to balance yourself not needing a repeat of last time when you sat down the other men followed you in total there were 3 others with you. Joe was backstage talking to someone but when he say you looking at him he had given you two thumbs up and a warm smile which you returned he mouthed "Good luck" before returning to his call walking deeper behind stage.

"Hello everybody today we have special guest tonight, now they make not look familiar and you're probably like 'Jimmy who the hell are all these random people?' Well, I can promise you they aren't random and you have seen their big work on the stage. These people sitting here are (Y/N)(Y/N), Will Meugniot, Steve Skroce, and Mike Ploog and these names you've never heard of appear at the end of your newest and favorite Marvel movie." Jimmy said causing a couple of people in the audience to stand and start clapping "They make all the storyboards for the movie, and they do a great job if you ask me but (Y/N) is the newcomer when it comes to this, so how do you feel about being the only women storyboard creator?" Jimmy asked motioning you to move up in your site so you were closer to the microphone, your nerves had begun to pick in badly "I feel honored really I get to work along with these talented men and so many other talented people every day and they truly love new perspective on work and that's why I was hired." You said looking over at the guys who were giving you genuine warm smiles "So now if my sources are correct you're a blogger and a storyboard creator both for Marvel? Why a blogger when you already do so much?" He asked leaning his elbow on the table placing his face in his hand "I'm a blogger because writing has always been a passion of mine but my creativity usually bends and shapes in all different types of ways, once I got the job at Marvel I dedicated my blog to Marvel based anything and it became a huge hit in the community because of the big love for Marvel. I'm a workaholic so I need to occupy myself and what better what to do that with something you truly love?" You responded shrugging softly laughing a bit at Jimmy's reaction, he looked so flabbergasted and in awe at the same time.

"You sure are one educated women, I bet all the men at work swoon over you." He said as if he wanted something to add but he didn't yet he didn't need to because you already he was going to say something Chris related "You may think that but they all see me like their little sister as if I must be protected at all times." You said and the three men beside you nodded "Well what about this picture then?" Jimmy said pointing to the screen in front of you displaying the picture of you in Chris' arms, this was the first time you had seen the actual picture you never noticed how truly beautiful the picture was the way his eyes shined even though he was looking down at you or the way your eyes held the same shine, the naturalness of your smile you actually looked purely happy "It's truly a beautiful picture but that was the first day I had officially met Chris and the cast of Civil War, this picture was taken after I had broken my heel." You stated as Joe had instructed you before you came out on stage "Well did you feel anything when you were in the arms of Captain America?" Jimmy said leaning over raising his eyebrows as if someone was going to tell him a huge secret "Yes just one, Embarrassment. Literally just met him for one day and my stupid heels and clumsiness didn't really make anything better." You said laughing causing Jimmy to laugh and the men sitting beside you "Well I ship (Y/S/N). So that's where I stand, now the Lady in Red has captured the hearts of America maybe to get closer to a certain someone hmmm..." Jimmy says winking at you and the audience rise in applause.

"Well (Y/N) now that I've dissected you, it's these three lovely men's turn so please allow Guillermo to walk you back stage till next time Lady in Red, audience give a round of applause for (Y/N)(Y/L/C) the women is capturing our hearts now." He said as you got up and waved to the audience a good bye walking back stage. Once you reached your dressing room you plopped onto the couch just trying to relax and breath then you felt your phone vibrate when you looked to see who it was the number read unknown but regardless you picked it up to hear a voice that gave you shivers down your spine.

"Chris? How did you get my number?" You asked frantically looking around to nothing but an empty room "Wow, darlin relax. I took your phone when I had carried you remember? So I called myself from your phone. I woke up not long ago to see you look beautiful on your interview." He said, his voice still the optimi of morning voice it was rough and rugged the his sound making you begin to heat up inside "So why did you call me?" You asked eager for his response "Just to tell you that you looked deliciously stunning & Captain America is indeed in awe with you." He said still in his morning tone, god could he be any sexier and he's not even with you then your mind beings to travel to the idea of him waking up in your bed with that same voice how dreamy he would sound, just the mere imagine of his muscles and abs nearly make you moan in want "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" His voice now filled with pure concern.

"Yes sorry Captain I dazed out... wait... I mean Chris . Shit." You said wanting to hang up but then you hear his boom of laughter that calms you down "Darlin, I could be your captain all you have to do is say when & where." He said lowly , causing more heat to build up in your body "Chris, um is there any other reason you called?" You asked trying to divert the conversation "Yes, I was going to ask if you'd like to get coffee today around noon." He said bluntly through the phone his morning voice completely gone "Um, don't you think that will bring this Lady in Red fiasco more attention?" You ask looking at yourself in the mirror "Well only if you wear red again I mean honestly why wouldn't you, it's truly your color (Y/N)." He said and you could hear the smirk in his tone , causing you to blush even though he wasn't in front of you.

"Well Mr. Evans I will have you know I'm not expecting a regular Starbucks coffee." You said teasing him "Never, only the best for my Lady in Red." You could hear the playful tone peeking out of him "I will pick you up at your house around 11:30. Wear something casual and don't forget to bring that smile of yours Ms. (Y/L/N)." He said dropping your call causing you to look at your phone in disbelief then you noticed the time 8:30am, you then rushed to the front where Jared was waiting "Where to (Y/N)?" He said opening your door , you smiled and replied "Home." While sitting down quickly fastening your seat belt feeling the butterflies in your stomach you couldn't believe you were actually going out with Chris Evans.

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