Baby Time (Algee Smith)

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Algee Smith:

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Algee Smith:

Picture not mine.

 8 hours of straight hell were passing you by and the baby still hadn't left your body. You pushed and breathed, pushed and breathe but nothing helped get your baby out, so many breaks were taken and still nothing. Now on hour 12 and you finally feel the baby moving on its way out of your body, you were holding Algee's hand "You truly are the best friend a girl could ever ask for." you say gripping his hand for dear life while he's giving you a wide smile, when you told him you were pregnant he couldn't hold back his excitement at all and he didn't even try to lie about it whenever people asked he was always ready to answer. "My god daughter is going to be beautiful and spoiled, oh and talented like her mother and godfather," he said while wiping off the sweat from your face as you still pushed out your daughter and then you heard it, her little cries were like heaven to you and Algee's ear you both had been waiting so long for this day and now it was finally here. The doctors cleaned her up, cut her cord and wrapped her up while you began to breathe and relax "Do you want to hold her Ms. (Y/L/N)?" the doctor said looking at you "Let Algee hold his god daughter, mama needs some breathing time," you laughed a little trying not to think of the pain you were in. You watched Algee's face changed when you told them to give her to him, he carefully took your daughter from the doctors and began to rock her ever so gently and then he began to hum her a lullaby to stop her crying and it worked, he then gave you your daughter and watched as she clung onto you for dear life, you chuckled slightly and kissed her forehead wrapping her in your arms gently. "Come here you big nugget," you say to Algee who carefully sits next to you and then snaps a couple of picture "The best memory of this year," he said looking at the picture as he began to tear up a little "I love you (Y/N)."he said kissing your forehead as your eyes became droopy and you began to drift to sleep.

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