Strange Love

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A/N: I hope you like this, & thank you so much!

Warning: A bit sexual, just a little.

"Father are you mad! He is our enemy we cannot welcome him into our home! He cannot be my guard, I would rather die than have that man follow my every move. Father please listen to reason! This is mad he is a LION and we are BEAR we kill we do not bow our heads to them! He is a weak, handless man and a poor excuse for a "Kingslayer" and I want nothing to do with him and that is final!" you said sighing with frustration as you stepped out of the war room slamming the door behind you. While walking to your room you see Lady Melisandre walking towards the war but you stand in front of her stopping her "Yes my princess how can I be of service to you?" she asked looking at you with not a single ounce of pure concern "You're the snake that injects my father with poison. I see it as well does Sir Davos and we will bury you along the rest of the snakes, you preach about the god of light yet everything you do is dark and evil, you are nothing more than a liar Lady Melisandre, it was you who told my father to demand Sir Jaime to be my guard, but you will not poison me. For the only terror I see in your future is being burned at the Stake by my hand, so be careful because the night is dark and I shall be your true terror." you said leaving but not before seeing her mouth open slightly in shock but you don't wait for her to speak again, you continue to make your way to your chambers and once you open the door you see the Lion sitting on your bed passing his hand over your sheets.

You close the door alerting him that you are there "Lady (Y/N) why must you say such cruel things, I've been guarding you for some time now and you've never once said anything." Jaime said teasing you walking towards you causing you to walk back "You're a Lion and I am a Bear so forgive me Sir Jaime for not wanting you to openly guard me." You say smiling slightly "Dear I don't hear you mind when I'm openly inside of you." Jaime said taking one more step and with that step your back hit the cobblestone "Do not flatter yourself kingslayer it was only one evening." you said rolling your eyes "Yes one night that became several lustful nights after that." he said kissing your neck causing you to gasp in surprise and just as you were about to push him off he took your hands in his one human hand pinning them over your head "Tsk,tsk my princess you were very bad today, in fact what you said about my feelings hurt me a little." he said running his gold hand the front of your dress causing you to squirm "I am a princess and I will not apologize to no one." you said smirking at him and with that expression Jaime ripped the front of your dress, you heard the buttons fall to the ground making soft noise but you were more focused on Jaime's mouth leaving slow deep kisses on your neck and his hands began to explore your body and just as you went to reach for his shirt he pulled away "No my princess, I am nothing but a lion and you are a bear we cannot continue this." he said sitting on your bed mocking you which caused you to laugh "Very well, but Jaime Lannister you are MY lion." you said standing in between his legs as he smiled at you.

You knew he would always love Cersei and he would never choose you but just saying those few words made you feel amazing inside but what you didn't expect was "And you are MY bear." he said grabbing your legs causing you to fall on top of him "(Y/N) I truly don't think you know how much I love you." he said digging his hands into your hair smelling you holding you tightly as if you were nothing more than a mirage and just as you were going to bring your lips to his your were turned over on the bed with jaime standing in front of you pulling his sword out on the intruder, both men said nothing but they both charged for each other the sound of the metal clanking together draw you to your sense, you quickly changed grabbing your sword but by the time you had returned the intruder was killed, bleeding on the floor you looked over to Jaime "I love (Y/N) please let me swear my sword to you. For now and Forever." he said kneeling holding out his sword waiting for you to knight him, you hesitatingly picked up the sword placing it on each of his side "Will you forsake this vow like the other you have broken?" you said while standing over his body "Never my princess, to you I swear my sword and love." he said head still bowed "Even though we may never marry?" you asked and this caught his attention "The knowledge of others does not matter, I love you (Y/N) Baratheon and you shall be my wife." he said picking you up twirling you around kissing you softly, then you both heard clapping from the door which caused you quickly retreat but Jaime stopped you holding your waist tightly to his "You'd think a man of your looks wouldn't have taken so long to admit your love for my daughter, you fool." Stannis your father said laughing as he left the room leaving you and both Jaime in shock.

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