Chapter 5

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Haley POV

Riley and I walk on the beach where the party was, there was lots of people here dancing all crazy. "Let's meet up later?" I ask, "Yes or back at the hotel and don't you dare leave early to go call the boyfriend" Riley said, "I won't I promise" I said. We walked over getting drinks, dinking them. "Whoa" Riley said after taking a sip of the punch, "More like just pure vodka" I said.

I drank one cup, and I think that was all I was going to drink. Riley kept on drinking, she left dancing with some guy. I stood there just watching everyone, like yeah I could go and dance but it's just I have a boyfriend and really can't do much. I want to drink but if I do I know I'm going to do something I will regret, I already regret for what I did in New York, but I need to trust myself I won't.

I felt my phone went off, I grab it out seeing it was Jesse, I walked away quickly to go answer it. "Hey" I said answering. "Hey you, I was going to leave message I didn't want to bother you" Jesse said. "It okay I'm happy to hear your voice" I said. "You are so amazing Haley, how did I get so lucky" he said, I smiled. "I love you" I said, "I love you too, I was just calling to say goodnight" he said, time zone I forgot.

"Okay, goodnight" I said, "Night babe" he said, I hung up walking over back to the party. I was looking at everyone dance, it looked so much fun. I put my eye mask on just like everyone else, I grab another cup of the punch and drank it so fast, I just want to have fun tonight, my best friend having I need to also. I kept on drinking, I was taking some shots with these guys, by then I was gone everything was just out of this world.

I went in dancing with everyone, I had a drink in my hand dancing around, and I was laughing enjoying it. I looked over to the other side seeing this guy watching me I was looking at him we kept on looking at each other, I wanted him to come over to me. So I was dancing towards him, he was making his way towards me. Once he got to me, grab me by the hips pulling me in closer to him, my hands were on his chest, we were grinding on each other. We kept on dancing with each other, I just thought he would just dance with me once and leave but no he kept on dancing on me.

He looked at me, I looked at his eyes he had these beautiful eyes. He went in and started to kiss me all rough, we kept on kissing. I pulled away grabbing his arm pulling him away, we walked over to the pier under it, I grab his head and kissed him, we were kissing from there on. I took off his shirt touching his chest. We were breathing hard looking at each other, we kept on kissing he pick me up I wrapped my legs around him, I didn't even know this guy but for a reason I didn't care at all, and kissing felt so real like it was amazing.

We were looking at each other, he set me down, and I was touching his face. Fireworks were going off, we looked at them. I looked into his beautiful eyes again; I knew them from somewhere I know I did. He took off my eye mask looking at me. "Haley?" he spoke, he sounded so familiar how did he know my name? I took off his eye mask. Oh my god.

Oh my god. "Drew" I said I was looking at him, it was him it was really Drew. "Holy shit" he said, I was making out with Drew out of everyone here he the one I hook up with, I couldn't even talk right now I was just in such, let alone I couldn't even look at him, I just ran off. I was looking for Riley; I didn't see her anywhere there were to many people. Everything was spinning for me, I touched my head. I haven't seen Drew in years and this happens I couldn't believe this, let alone I cheated on Jesse again.

God he doesn't deserve this. I just wanted to leave so badly, I was standing there breathing hard I started to cry everything was hurting again, the pain I had was back. I looked at the table with drinks, I jugged down 3 drinks, and I needed to keep on drinking to make this pain go away.

I was so dizzy I couldn't even stand for I my head was pounding. I tried walking over to dance and fell to the ground just laughing so hard, someone grab me helping me up to walk. "Let go" I told the person "I can walk''

"Cleary you can't" I heard Drew I turn around looking at him, I slapped him in the face, "You son of a bitch" I yelled, "Okay I deserve that" he said, "You deserve more than a slap" I yelled trying to hit him again he grab my arms, "Okay stop, stop okay" he said, "Get off of me" I cried. he let go I turn away trying to run but lost it again and fell, Drew help me back up again, "Hales come on, I'll take you home" he said, "You put me in hell, fucking hell you broke my heart" I said, "I know I'm an asshole" he said, "Bigger than an asshole" I said, we were walking in the parking lot, he put in the car, he got in. "Where do you live? You living in Cali now?" he asks, I laughed.

"No stupid I'm on vacation I needed a getaway" I said, "Where are you staying at?" he ask, "There that hotel the pretty one" I said I was so dizzy my head was spinning. "Which hotel Haley?" he asks. "You are asking too many question making my head hurt" I said putting my head down between my legs. "Look this is the last question just tell me which hotel and I'll take you there" he said, "That one the white one" I groaned.

He drove off, I sat up. "Why am I here in a car?" I ask, "Taking you back to the hotel Hales" he said, "Don't fucking call me Hales, you aren't a friend of mine" I said, "You are so drunk" he said, "I must because I'm in a car with my ex" I said. He got to the hotel he stop the car, I got out. "Whoa, whoa hold up" he said getting out. "I can walk" I said, I stood up almost falling over, he grab me. I was laughing.

"Come on I'll take you to your room" he said, we got up to where my room was. "The key is in my hidden place" I said I pull it out of my pocket, unlocking the door; I walked in hitting the floor. Drew came in shutting the door, "Okay, okay come here" he said picking me up he was holding me up, "I like the ground through it keeps breaking my fall" I said, "Let's put you on the bed" he said, he tripped and we fell on the bed, he was on top of me I was laughing so hard and he started to laugh.

We were looking at each other, I was touching his face. I hated him so much but yet I don't. "Drew" I said, "I should go" he said standing up. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask, he looked at me., I sat up, "I was a bitch"

"Just cause we aren't together Haley doesn't mean I don't care for you" he said, "Thank you" I said, he walked out, I layed my head down passing out.

Chapter 5(:

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