Chapter 33

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Haley POV

       “Hales I swear I have no more water balloons” Riley yelled. I was in the back hiding in the tall grass. “You swear” I yelled back. “Yes I’m out” she yelled. I stood up seeing her walking towards me with her hands up.

     “Okay I believe you, but I have one more” I yelled I threw it at her. She screamed, I was laughing. “You are so dead” she yelled, I ran out to the beach she ran after me, we were laughing.

     We got into the water. “Dude people are going to think we are lesbians” I said, “So we are for each other” she said, “Ha funny” I said, she laughed. This is what happens when our boyfriends out of town we have a water balloon fight.

     We got out sitting on the sand. “You know we probably should have worn bikinis” she said. “That would have been a smart idea” I said. “I had fun that was really fun” she said.

   “Me too it just sucks that we only get to have this fun when our boyfriends are gone” I said. “We can still do this you can kick Drew out for the weekend” she said, “Oh my god I could” I laughed.

     “Sucks those boys come back tomorrow” she said, “I know but I’ve missed him” I said. “I guess I miss Wes” she said, I laughed, “Kidding I miss him, just miss the cuddling at night”

    “Me too” I said. I can’t wait for Drew to come home I miss him a lot.

   “Our last night let’s do something fun” she said. “Like?” I ask, “To the club where Drew works at’’ she said, sounds fun I could use a night out its been a while since I actually got drunk well last time I was drunk to get Drew off my mind and get back at him but this time I just want to have fun.

    “Okay let’s do it” I said. She got up and pulled me up. We went inside drying off and getting ready. “Can I borrow a dress I really like that orange dress” she said, she pulled it out I stare at it.

    “What you wanted to wear it tonight?”

    “No, um its just Jesse brought me that dress” I said, she threw it on the bed. “I didn’t know Hales” she said. “Its fine just forgot I had it I wore it when we went to his sister wedding” I said.

    “I will just throw it away” she said. She grabs it walking out.

     I haven’t thought about Jesse in a while I hadn’t called in asking if he still there, I know he there but I just want to call to see. I grab my phone wanting to dial that number but I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t even be thinking about him.

      Riley walked back in, “You can still borrow anything” I said.

     “Did I just make you think of him” she said, “I think about him even when I don’t want to, no matter what I will always think of him” I said. “I’m just saying would you ever go there to see him” she said. “Why would I do that?” I ask, “I don’t know I mean don’t you want answers” she said.

   I looked at her, answer like what she means.

   “Answers?” I ask. “You know why did he stalk you” she said, I thought about it the first time I found out he was a creeper I wanted to know why and I never thought about it again.

    “I guess but that just means I would have to see him and I don’t want the nightmares coming back” I said. “I get it, it was a stupid question” she said. I stood up. “Now it got me thinking” I said. “What?” she ask, “Jesse family, like when we went to that wedding it was like awkward we barely saw his family” I said.

    “Do you think Jesse has some kind of history” she said, “I guess I will never know” I said.

       “Okay let’s stop talking about psycho” she said, I laughed. “Deal” I said. We got dress and ahead out.

    We got to club going to the bar. “Hey Haley” Max said one of the guys that works here he good friends with Drew.  “Hey Max two vodka shots” I said. “Coming up” he said.

     He brought us the shots. “To us” she said, we drank them, “Oh shit” I said. She laughed, “Oh man” she said, “Yeah I missed that I said.

    “Around round” she said. He brought 4 more shots, we took them.

    “I forgot I am a light weight” I laughed, “I’m good no more for me I am driving” she said, “Such a pooper” I said, I was laughing so much. I got cranberry vodka drinking it, it was so good. I was just dancing around Riley being all giggly.

    “Oh my god Haley this is like a different side of drunk I’ve never seen” she said, “You see back then I got drunk to forget Drew but know all I want to do is think about him” I said I was spinning in a circle. “Okay, okay, okay stop” she said trying to get me to stop. “Stop before you puke”

    “Ew that nasty stuff” I said I laughed. “You are so cute” she said, “I’m adorable aren’t I” I said. “Alright Hales let’s get you home” she said, “Home but home is so far away” I whined. “Come on” she said grabbing my arm pulling me outside to the car.

    “I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster’’ I said I put my hands up. “Oh my god” she laughed. We got to the house; she was taking me inside straight to the bedroom.

    “I’m going to sleep” I said. “Yes good idea” she said. “Lock the doors don’t forget” I said. “I won’t” she said. I went into the bed I curl up in a ball passing out.

    Chapter 33 double update !!(: keep up the votes and read thanks guys 

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