Chapter 42

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Haley POV

I kept on looking at the computer screen watching Jesse, he was just packing he is really taking me away. I wasn't feeling so weak anymore, I'm still hurting but not so bad, I think it hurt more when Jesse was changing me out of the hospital gown into some clothes I don't even think they were mine.

He put jeans and a white shirt on; I am guessing it is his. I saw my phone on the table next to me along with a knife. All night I was twisting my wrist to get out of the rope it was making me bleed but I didn't care.

I was able to get my wrist out, I reach over grabbing the knife putting it under my leg. I saw Jesse was coming; I put my wrist back in the rope.

He walked in with a tray.

"Hi baby you need to eat and once your done I need you to put make up on your cuts and bruises and this wig" he said, he took the tape off my mouth.

"I'm not hungry" I said.

"God damn it Haley stop being so difficult" he said.

"Well let's see you hit me with your car, tied me up to a bed, kidnapping me and now forcing me to go away with you, yeah I'm having the best few days" I said. He slaps me in the face.

"Oh Haley you will soon get that love you once had for me" he said.

"I will never love you the way I love Drew" I said, he slap me again but harder it made my face stink.

"No, no one will ever love you like how I love you" he said.

"Your nuts" I said, he walked out slamming the door. I pulled out my wrist getting the knife cutting the rope to free my other wrist. I sat up grabbing my phone.

I went over by the door waiting for Jesse to come in, this is my chance to escape and run for it. I saw him coming back, he open the door he stared at the bed. "Haley" he yelled.

"Asshole" I said, he turned and I stabbed him in the shoulder, he yelled I pushed him back into the wall. I grab the tray hitting him over the head, he fell to the ground I kick him in stomach 3 times and I started to run.

I ran outside, I just kept on running. "Help me someone help me" I yelled.

I got my phone out trying to call Drew. Come on please answer me.

"Haley" I heard Drew voice, I just started to cry I couldn't help it. "Drew oh my god" I cried.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"Oregon at my parent's cabin I'm in the woods, I ran out Drew its Jesse he got out, and he hit me with his car" I said.

"I'm almost there run to the road" he said, "You're here?" I ask, "I will always find you" he said. "Drew please hurry" I said.

"Stay on the phone with me baby keep running" he said.

I took off running again, "Drew" I said, and I wasn't hearing anything. "Drew no" I said, my phone died. "Shit" I said. I ran more.

"Drew, Drew" I yelled. "Haley" I heard, I turn looking around, and "Drew" I said.

I ran and I got hit in the face falling down, I touch my face I saw blood and I looked up seeing Jesse and he kicked me in the face.

Drew POV

Wesley and I were still in the car we were in Oregon so close to Haley. My phone was ringing I saw it was Haley, I answer it right away. "Haley" I said.

"Drew oh my god" she cried, I got tears oh god she alive, I couldn't believe it.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Oregon my parent's cabin I'm in the woods, I ran out Drew its Jesse he got out, he hit me with his car" she said.

I knew it was him, that son of a bitch is going to get it.

"I'm almost there run to the road" I said. "You're here?" she asks.

"I will always find you" I said. "Drew please hurry" she said.

"Stay on the phone with me baby keep running" I said. I wasn't hearing anything shit our call was lost.

"Damn it" I yelled.

"Drew go there it is" Wesley said.

"Get the cops Wes go" I said.

I jump out of the car running out looking for Haley.

"Drew, Drew" I heard. Hales it's her.

"Haley" I yelled, I ran more.

"Haley" I was yelling, I kept hearing her voice.

It was quite didn't hear her anymore, I saw blood on the ground and her phone it was broken, I pick it up, Jesse he taken her again.

I ran off going towards the cabin I remember where it was at. I was hiding behind a tree I saw Jesse carrying Haley over his shoulder back into the cabin.

Chapter 42(: short chapter ! I will probably update tomorrow thanks guys (:

I've always loved you-Drew Chadwick FanFicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora