Chapter 48

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 Haley POV

The house is finally coming along too looking like a real home, a few weeks into the house its really feeling like home I couldn't be more in love with this house.

Tonight we were having a welcome home party with our friends and a few of Drew coworkers at the club, just to celebrate our new home now that its all fix up.

Drew came in through the first door, "Hey babe" Drew said, "Hey" I said, he came to the kitchen setting down bags of food. I saw like so much alcohol. "Throwing a college party cause trust me this isn't enough"

"Funny no, me and some of the guys are going to make drinks and try out some new ones" he said, "How temping" I said, "You okay with this" he said.

"Drew I did all that cause I was stupid and just wanted to forget shit but I am okay now one or two drinks won't kill me, I don't plan on getting so wasted like that ever again" I said.

"Good cause your kind of a pain in the ass" he said, I hit his arm, he was laughing, "Jerk" I said, "You are stubborn trust me" he said, "Yeah, yeah go make your drinks I'm going to shower" I said, I walked away going to the bathroom getting into the shower.

I heard the door open, seeing Drew. What was he doing?

"Can I help you?" I ask. He came into the shower with me, I was looking at him, and he pulls me closer to him. "How am I lucky enough to have you in my life" he said, I smiled.

We started to kiss, he picks me up a little putting me on the wall, the water was hitting his face, we kept on kissing and we started to have sex in the shower.

We got out; I went into the bedroom drying off getting some clothes on.

"Hello, hello" I heard Riley. "Riley" I yelled. I went out seeing her with Wesley and Keaton.

"And us don't forget us" Keaton said.

"Hey guys" I said, Riley came and hug me, "Hi" she said, "Hello" I said.

"Where Drew?" Wesley asks, "In the garage I think" I said. They went over there.

"This is a cute a little house for you guys" she said, "Really you like it" I said, "Yeah I do, it suits you guys well" she said, "Thanks" I said.

"So have you told Drew yet?" she ask, I was hoping she wasn't going to ask me this. "I told you this cause we tell each other everything" I said, "Same with you and Drew" she said.

"It's not a big deal, I want to move pass it please don't bring it up again, that part of my life is gone now" I said.

"Okay sorry" she said, "Its fine I want to forget Jesse" I said.

Few days ago I got a message from Jesse mom well foster mom I guess but she was wondering if I want to come and see her but I just wanted that part out of my life I couldn't handle this so I block her out it's for the best to not have contact with no one of that family or anything.

It's hard but I am forgetting Jesse everything about him but a part of him is still with me, but that part of me is all gone now, everything is better now, I love where my life is heading.

We got everything set up; Wes and Drew were in the background cooking some food, Riley and I were trying to tempt to make some drinks wasn't going well in Riley part.

"I think I am a natural at this" I said, "Big deal anyone can make a margarita" she said, "Don't be jealous" I said handing her a cup.

She drank it, "Shit you made this" she said, "You just saw me make it dork" I said, "Perfection girl" she said, Drew friends from work were coming inside.

I was still messing around with the drinks, I was like being a bartender of the night, "Haley right?" a guy said, "Yeah" I said, "Max I'm Drew boss" he said, "Oh yeah hey thanks for coming" I said.

"Yeah thanks for having me, look have you ever bartend before" he said, "No but I did take the drinks like crazy" I said, "Yes I remember you on the roof" he said, oh yeah awkward okay.

"Are you working right now?" he ask, "At the moment no, but I am looking" I said, "what if I said I could get you a job" he said, he was for real.

"Really where at?" I ask, "The club" he said, whoa was he serious me working there, I really have no experience doing this.

"Are you serious?" I ask, "Yeah you can bartend weekend days at first till you're ready for the weekend" he said.

This is so crazy, I couldn't believe it. "Yeah thank you so much oh my god" I said, "Hey Drew" he called out, Drew came over to us, "Hey Max, hi babe" Drew said, "I just found our new bartender" Max said.

"Oh really who?" Drew asks, "Your looking at her" Max said, "Hales really" Drew said.

"I like her skills it's something we can use at the clubs" he said, "That's really great" Drew said, "You can train her, you start Monday" Max said, "Thank you so much" I said.

"Of course" he said, he walked away, "Well, well, well looks like I'm your boss" Drew said, "Yeah, yeah don't get carried away cause this girl can take that away from you" I said, he smiled at me.

The party was really good; it was nice meeting new people and being with our old friends coming all together making see how precious life is. I am so thankful for all the love and friendship I have with this people.

Everyone went home, "Ugh I will clean up later" Drew said, "By later you mean never I know you Drew" I said, I was throwing away some trash, he came up behind me holding me I was smiling.

"I love you so much Haley" he said, "I love you too baby" I said, he kissed my cheek and let me go walking away.

I stood there smiling I could get use to this life. My new life in my home with my boyfriend.   

    Chapter 48(: Thanks to everyone who has been reading this story means a lot this story is coming to end soon !! 

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