Chapter 26

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Haley POV

     I woke up looking around seeing I was on the beach still laying on the blankets I sat up looking around; it was morning maybe 10ish I wasn't sure. I had the weirdest dream like I can't even remember what happened, but all I remember is that it was really creepy. "Drew" I called out, I stood up looking around, it was really weird, "Drew, Drew" he wasn't near me, where was he.

    "Haley what's wrong?" Drew asks behind me I turn looking at him.

    "Nothing um sorry. Did we sleep here last night?" I ask, "Yeah we did I woke up here next to you, hey you okay" he said, "Yeah just seems weird, I don't remember falling asleep here" I said, "Same here body is killing me sand is not a place to sleep" he said, "Your right, my back is killing me" I said.

    He came closer to me and hugged me. "Last night was perfect didn't want it to end" he said, "Doesn't have to end" I said, "What?" he ask confused. "This having a perfect day, we can have this every day, we don't need to worry about anything anymore" I said, "I can get used of this" he said, I smiled "Come on" I said I pulled on his arms to get into the water with me, we ran in there splashing each other Drew picked me up spinning me I was laughing.

    "Your so cute Haley Parker" he said still holding me, "Isn't that why you love me" I said, "There a lot of reasons why I love you" he said, "What's the number one reason why you love me?" I ask, "The number one oh gosh you in general, the way you look at me how each time I see you I still get those nerves in me, every time I kiss you feels like the first time we kissed, you give me the strength and courage every day to do what I love and the way how I can tell you anything and not to have to worry without being judge" he said.

    I smiled at him, my heart filled up all warm. "That was more than one thing" I said, "I couldn't just say one thing there are too many things" he said, I kissed him, he was walking and he trip and we fell on the shore, we were laughing so hard. "Are you okay?" I ask, "Yes I am fine" he said, we started too kissed, this was perfect its just keeps on getting better.

   We stood up, "We are completely soaked" I said, "It was your idea to run in here" he said, I laughed. "I wanted to do it, like you didn't like it" I said, "It was damn cold" he said, "Don't be such a baby" I said, he hugging me picking me up over his shoulder. I screamed and was laughing.

    He put me down. "Come on let's just enjoy this day" he said I grab his hand and we walked over to the blanket laying on it again we were laying on our back holding hands.

   "Did we really have sex last night on the beach?" I ask, "I can check that off my bucket list" he said I laughed, "Is it going to be like this every day, waking up next to you being near you" I said. I turned on my stomach Drew was looking at me, "It is going to be like this every single day" he said he lean in and kissed me.

    "I haven't seen a single person on this beach since we have woken up" I said. "It's pretty private over here its like my backyard" he said, "So you don't think no one will be around" I said, "No I don't think so" he said.

    I went on top of him and started to kiss him, we looked at each other I took off his shirt and he took off my dress and we kept on kissing all rough. Drew wrapped his arms around me getting on top of me, we were breathing hard he kept moving so hard on me I put my fingers in his hair.

    He looked at me, I touched his face, "I've fallen in love with you, I fall in love with you more and more everyday" I said. He kissed me, "I love how your mind thinks so dirty" he said, I laughed, "Oh shit what time is it? I ask, I just remember I was supposed to hang out with Riley today. "Um I don't know my phone back at the house" he said, "We should get back to the house and change" I said, "Right let's go" he said. We got up putting our clothes back on. We walked back to the house.

    Something seemed very off like something was wrong; I wasn't sure what was going on but something for sure feel different. We got to the house I saw Riley at the door.

    "Of course she is" I said, "Looks like she been here for a while" he said, I walked over to her "Hey sorry I'm late" I said to her, she was ignoring me, she probably mad at me. "Riley I'm sorry Drew and I fell asleep on the beach" I step closer to her; she walked right past me like I wasn't even there. "Hey Riley"

    She went on her phone. "Hey Hales I'm outside the door, we said noon right it's like almost 2 where are you" Riley said, "2? Riley I'm right here, hello Riley" I said.

    She went back to the door knocking on it. "Drew you there? Haley?" she said, "Riley" I yelled. What is going on why is she ignoring like me this, she couldn't be this mad at me. "What's going on?" Drew ask coming to me, "Riley she can't hear me, she like ignoring me" I said, "Riley, hey Riley" he said to her she didn't hear him also, what is going on, she not hearing us she seriously just standing there not looking at us.

    "Why can't she hear us?" I ask, Drew and I looked around, "Riley" he said, I turn away with a sharp pain in my stomach I touch it and I saw blood on my hand, lots of it I looked down at my dress seeing so much blood coming from my stomach, I was bleeding so much.

    "Drew" I said turning to him showing him my hand, he looked at my stomach all freak out, "Haley what's going on?" he ask coming to me, "Oh my god Drew" I said looking at his chest he looked down seeing blood on him, he was bleeding a lot. "What the hell is going on?" he ask. I was freaking out, why are we bleeding so much. "What's happening to us" I said. "We went home last night didn't we?" he asks, "I can't remember what happened" I said, "This isn't real, try to remember" he said, I was trying so to remember and I remember Tiffany, the gun.

     "Drew, Tiffany was in the room" I said, "We didn't fall asleep on the beach" he said, "I went into the bedroom and she shot me and then you she shot us" I said, "Were not really here" he said, "Were dead, were dead" I cried, he hugged me, this isn't happening we woke up on the beach dead, we never woke up. "No were not" he said, he ran up the house to the back door, I followed him, it was open we walked in seeing our bodies laying on the floor, we looked dead, there was so much blood we weren't alive. I cried even harder Drew grab me, "This can't be happening, we were not real, and that's why Riley couldn't hear us" I said.

   "We didn't see a light right, were not dead" he said, "I don't understand" I said, "Do you remember anything else from last night?" he ask, "We left the beach and came home and I went to the bedroom and Tiffany was there that's all I can remember" I said, "I heard a gunshot and I saw you laying there and saw Tiffany and that's all I can remember" he said, "She shot us, she shot us" I said. I was freaking out so bad; Tiffany shot Drew and me, are we dead, are we really dead. We walked back outside and ended up back on the beach, but this time I had on a different dress and Drew had different clothes on, it's like were in a dream or something, we stood there looking around, no one was here but us, it was just us here, I grab his hand he pulled me in as I cried. What was going on?

   Are we dead?

     Chapter 26 (: Again sorry for leaving it on cliff hanger but more is coming with answers (: Vote and read thanks guys ! 

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