Chapter 18

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Drew POV

    I got us to the house, I couldn’t believe Haley got into a fight with Tiffany; I shouldn’t have left her alone, knowing now the truth about Tiffany how dangerous she is, I should not leave Haley alone.

   We got inside I locked the doors. “Talk” Haley said. “Do you want to sit down” I ask, “I’m fine here just talk” she said, “She came here I forgot to lock my back door, I thought it was you but she turn and I freaked on her to get out and never come back, I was begin serious I threaten to call the cops and she walked out but Wes and I found something out about her” I said, I have to tell her.

    “What is it?” she ask, I walked over getting my laptop, I made her sit on the couch with me, “I wasn’t the first person she stalked” I said, I showed her the page with Blake and his family.

    “Wait she killed them?” she ask nervously.

     “That’s what we’re thinking there her mug shot” I said. “She stalked this guy?” she ask, “I don’t know it happened 5 years old but he was found hiding in a closet with a knife and he does claims that his ex-girlfriend did kill his family Meredith Banks we type that name in and the mug shot came up” I said, Haley stood up.

    “Why don’t we go to the cops with this, its her right” she said. “Haley we don’t have good enough proof its her” I said. “What proof do we need?” she asks, “Hales she looks like you now” I said. She got quite turning away from me.

    “What if she tries to blame me for something” she said, I stood up going up to her. “No she not I’m not going to let her come near you” I said I pulled her hugging her. I heard a crash on the front porch. “What was that?” she ask, I grab Haley putting her on the couch. I walked up to door to open it, no one was there expect a bag; I pick it up bringing it inside.

    “What’s that?” she asks.

     “I don’t know” I said. I open it and it was just paper like letters, I went to table pouring out the bag it was just letters; Haley came up looking at them. “They all say the same thing “To Drew” “she said handing me one, I open it and it was a letter I didn’t even want to read it. I noticed a locket, the locket I gave Haley for her 13th birthday. I grab it looking at it.

    Haley grab it from me, looking so shocked, “How did she get this?’’ she ask, “I have no clue” I said. “This was under my pillow for those 2 years I kept it there” she said close to tears.

     “Haley does Tiffany know about Jesse?’ I ask.

     Haley POV

     I stayed quite ignoring Drew question, I was in just in shocked that locket was with me I had it under my pillow. “Haley does Tiffany know about Jesse?” he ask again. “I just told her I had a boyfriend back home” I said, but Drew doesn’t know that Jesse was in California while I was here, it nothing never came up to tell him I forgotten.

    “Drew I think she does know who he is” I said, “What?” he ask. “Jesse was here in Cali when I was here” I said. “What how during the break he was here” he said.

   “Yeah the whole time he saw us together, he left the day I supposed to leave, Tiffany must of have saw him or something” I said. “Two psychoses working together” he said. What did he mean by that?

     “I don’t get it” I said.

     “Hales they are both obsessed with us, they met Jesse must of taken of the locket and gave it to her” he said, “Its clear she hates me and wants to get rid of me” I said, “And it was clear that Jesse hated me” he said. “We are calling the cops” I said, I grab my phone calling them.

   After an hour talking with the cops explaining to them about Tiffany on who she really is, they agreed to set a restraining order and be on the lookout for her. This ends now Drew didn’t want me to get involved with this but now I am, we are in this together.

  The cops left and I lock the doors. “I should go back to the dorms” I said I wasn’t thinking straight. “Hales its late, please just stay I don’t want you being alone” he said, I looked at him. “What if she working with him, what if he gets him out” I cried I couldn’t help it, what if she does, I was scared. Drew came to me hugging me so tight, “No baby he not getting out I promise you I will keep you safe, all of this will be over soon” he said.

   I stayed that night Drew; in fact I stay 3 more nights with Drew. That fear in me was coming back I was so alone I was honestly watching my every move once again. Tiffany or Meredith whatever is out there and what she did to that family is scary because she could kill of us just to get with Drew.

    I spend the next few weeks with Drew I didn’t feel safe unless I was with him, I hated this feeling like this. I would spend some of my days in the dorm room with Riley and then leave at night to stay with Drew.

  I was just thankful that it’s May and school will be over soon I just have a few finales and then I can be not so stressed out about school.

   I was really studying in my dorm room well trying to I just have so much in my mind right now I needed to know what Tiffany did to that boy Blake I needed to find him and ask him questions maybe in some way he can help I don’t know how but I’m willing to take anything.

     Riley walked in throwing herself on my bed. “Um hi” I said, “Just kill me, I hate school” Riley said. ‘’Go out on a date with Drew and then Tiffany would want to kill you instead of me” I said, she looked at me, “Ha very funny” she said, she sat up, I laughed.

    “You want to take a road trip with me?” I ask, “Where and why?” she asks.

    “San Jose” I said. “What’s in San Jose?” she ask, I might as well tell her instead of tricking her thinking it’s just a weekend getaway. “To find Blake Tanner” I said, “Whoa Hales are you sure that’s something you should be doing?” she ask, “Riles I need to know what happens and maybe there a way to stop this I mean I want answers” I said. “Last time we tried to get answers you got a huge ass cut on your head” she said, “But its different this time, we are going after victim not the stalker” I said, I need her she like my partner in crime.

    “Do you think Drew will be okay with this?” she ask, “He doesn’t have to know” I said, “Oh okay but if he finds out what we are doing, it’s all on you, you kidnap me” she said, I laughed. “He won’t know because he will think I am doing my finales” I said, “It’s a one day trip to find this guy” she said. “Yeah I already got his address” I said. “What how?’’ she ask, “The internet really isn’t private” I said.

    “Now who the stalker” she said, I throw my pillow at her. “This bitch has pushed me too far, I want answer now” I said. “Alright, alright I am in” she said, I clapped my hands all excited. “Tomorrow at 8 we will go Drew thinks I have finales all day tomorrow but they are today so there isn’t anything to worry about” I said, “Alright but if we get caught” she said, “We won’t” I said.

   I stood up “Stop being a baby”

   “I’m not okay I just don’t want something to go wrong” she said. “Nothing will, okay I will see you tomorrow here” I said, I walked out going to my class; this is my turn to find out more on what happened with that boy and his family. 

  Chapter 18(: Keep up the votes lots more going to be happening ! 

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