Chapter 30

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   Haley POV

         About another week has past, Drew and I are doing so much better, we can walk on our own, just taking little steps out we are recovering good. Drew and I are getting to leave the hospital, I don't know if I want us going back to Drew place, almost of bad memoires right now. I barely remember the dream I was having when I was in the coma but feels like I should remember something important.

    I got changed out of that hospital grown into some jeans and a hoodie. "Hey you almost ready to go? Drew asks, "Yeah, um Drew are we going back to your place?" I ask, "Yeah Wesley been there checking on things making sure everything was good and he change the locks so Tiffany can’t get in this time and we got a new security system" he said, "Cops haven't found her yet" I said.

   "No but they will find her soon" he said, she out there somewhere, Tiffany wants me dead why else would she shoot me, and she failed and I have a feeling she will try again. "If you don't mind I'm going to go stay with Riley" I said, "Hales I know your scarred I am too, but hiding and showing her fear is making her win, we can’t let her win" he said.

   "I know I just want to for a night" I said, "How about everyone sleeps over" he said, "I don't know" I said, "I want to be with you, so I can look after you" he said, "Okay then" I gave in. He kissed me. "Hey you guys ready?" Riley asks, "Yeah" he said, we walked out and we passed a room and I just looked at it.

     There was a guy in the bed laying there awake with two older people they were smiling and laughing. "Haley you okay?" Keaton asks, "Yeah I am okay, just that guy he looks so happy" I said. "Riley and I stopped in his room giving him those flowers no one was seeing him but I guess now he got someone" he said. "What was his name?" I ask. "Logan" he said. That sounded so similar but I couldn’t think of how it did seem similar. He looked at me, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

    "I know I shouldn’t be asking this but did my parents at all" I said, "I'm sorry Hales I wish I could say yes" he said, "I figured don’t know why I ask" I said.

    I didn’t know why I did, I may have a little hope that my parents would come and see me but nope they probably don’t even know I am here.

     "Let’s go come on" Drew said, Drew and I got put into wheelchairs Riley and Wes pushed us out to the parking lot. "Oh my it feels good to have some sun" Drew said. "I forgot what it felt like'' I said, Keaton was there with the car, we stood up holding hands. “Time to go home" he said, "I love you" I said, he kissed my head.

    They drove us back to Drew place; we got inside it felt so weird to be back in here. I went to the bedroom looking at the floor and the back door, I went to it right away making sure it was lock, I went back to looking at the floor, and I was laying there with Drew we could have died. "Haley are you okay?'' Drew asks. "Yeah I’m fine um the bloods stains got out" I said, "Yeah Wesley cleaned them, when he was here" he said, I started to tear up.

     "Just trying so hard to be okay with this, we got shot Tiffany came into this house and shot us who knows how many times she came here watching us" I said. "Hey its okay, its okay don't worry we are here now, she can’t hurt us its time to living our life again" he said, we hugged.

      I was trying to act normal with everyone but it was just so hard with Tiffany out there and all I mean how are we supposed to go back to normal, to our everyday life. This time everything different now she more than a threat to us, she tried to kill us.

       I feel like I can’t live a normal life with Drew knowing she are out there somewhere. We were all in the living room. "You alright?" Riley asks, "Yeah I'm good" I lied.

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