Chapter 49

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Haley POV

About a month has passed I am getting the hang of being a bartender, I am doing really good it's a bit hard but I am happy I got Drew helping me. It's really making me happy all of this how everything coming together.

I was at the house cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey Hales" I heard Drew, "Hey" I called out, I looked seeing him standing there, "What are you doing cutie?"

"You know Hales I woke up today feeling like something was different a good different" he said, what was he talking about.

"What do you mean?" I ask, "Like everything Hales how amazing our lives are together, we have been through so much shit and yet here we are still going together, and I couldn't imagine my life without you" he said, I was smiling "Where this coming from?" I ask, "I love you so much Hales I want to make you my wife" he said.

Oh my god, "What?" I ask close to tears.

"Marry me Hales, let's take that next step" he said, I was crying at this point, "I'll marry you" I said smiling through my tears.

He smiled, "I don't have a ring now but I promise I will get you a big ass diamond ring" he said, I laughed I went up to him kissing him.

"I don't need you get me a big ass ring to prove your love to me, over the past year everything that has happened, everything that you did for me proves enough of your love for me" I said.

He grab me closer to him, "No matter where life takes me Haley as long as you are here next to me makes me the happiest man alive, I lost you once and didn't go looking for you and almost losing you again was the most painful thing I've ever went through" he said.

"You are never going to lose me again, I am here with you forever" I said, I kissed him. "Oh I did get you this it's not the best ring but it's something" he said he pulled out a toy ring that was purple, it was the same ring we used as kids I gave it to him when we were like 6 I couldn't believe he still had this after all these years.

"Is that?" I ask, "The ring you gave me yeah it is" he said, "You kept it all these years" I said crying.

"Of course I did" he said. "Remember what I told you" I said, "That if we aren't married in 15 years I would proposed to you with this ring" he said, "I can't believe it" I said.

"It's been 15 years Hales I've been wanting to marry you since we were 16" he said, wait a minute he waited 15 years to do this, he actually waited.

"You actually listened to me" I said, "Yeah you said in 15 years and here we are 15 years later together still didn't matter if you didn't come to California and we didn't run into each other I still would have found you 15 years later and marry you" he said.

I couldn't stop crying, I honestly was so emotional with everything he is saying, "If we didn't run into each other and we weren't together you still propose to me" I said, ''Yes" he said.

"How would you know if I would say yes" I said, "Because I know you still love me" he said.

"I never stop" I said. "I never will" he said, we kissed again.

"There so much to plan we have to do" I said, oh my god how am I going to put together a wedding. "Actually were getting married today" he said, I looked at him like he was crazy, and "Drew are you kidding me" I said.

"Yeah today" he said, "Drew how can we put a wedding together all today" I said, "Well if we make it to the courthouse in time" he said. Today, today getting married.

"You plan this" I said, "Riley, Wes and Keaton are waiting for us" he said. "You are crazy" I said, "Isn't that's why you love me" he said, "its crazy for how much I love you" I said.

"but you are okay with getting married like this" he said, "The next time I walk into this house I want to be Mrs. Haley Chadwick, I can't wait any longer to be your wife" I said.

I ran up stair changing into something nice, a white summer dress good thing I got this. I walked down stair seeing Drew looking handsome than ever with some flowers, he handed them to me.

"You are so beautiful" he said. "You are so amazingly sexy" I said, we laughed. "Ready to become my wife" he said, "Couldn't be more ready" I said. We got into the car driving to the courthouse.

We got there seeing Riley standing out there, "Well finally" Riley said, I hugged her, ""Hey you" I said.

"Groom get in there" she said, "See you inside" Drew said, "Okay" I said.

He walked inside, "I never thought I'd be here at your wedding day with Drew" she said, "So happy you are, thank you for everything you have done for me" I said. "Thank you for being my best friend and letting me into your crazy life" she said, we laughed and hugged.

"She ready?" Wesley ask, "All set" Riley said, she walked inside, "Now I've been waiting for since day since you gave Drew that toy" he said, I laughed "You knew about that" I said.

"I'm the best friend of course I knew" he said I felt sick but like a good sick I am hoping.

"Let's go get you married Haley"

I smiled we walked inside, I saw Drew standing there I went over to him. We looked at each other and we stood in front of a judge, my mind was going crazy I couldn't believe this was happening, I've dreamt of this so many times how everything would be, now my dream is coming true I am marrying my best friend.

I look at Drew and I see my whole future I see all the possibilities with him, I never gave up on our love I knew deep down inside I would find him again.

"You may kiss your bride" the judge said, we smiled. "I love you" I said, "I love you too" Drew said. We kissed as husband and wife.

We walked out and Keaton threw confetti on us I was smiling so big, Riley and Wes were clapping and cheering, Keaton kept throwing it at us, Drew pick me up kissing me, this was it my fairy tale moment.

"Hello Mrs. Chadwick" Drew said, "Hi husband" I said I couldn't stop smiling and crying.

"This is so beautiful" Riley said, I threw my flowers at her she caught them. "Your next" I said, she looked at Wes, he smiled, "One day" Wesley said.

"After party will take place tomorrow you guys got a honeymoon" Keaton said, I smiled at Drew.

We went back to the house, I went to the bathroom I couldn't be more happy with everything and now it's only going to get better, I looked in the mirrored and smiled.

I started crying again I couldn't help it. I walked out going up stairs to the bedroom where Drew was, I stood there looking at him.

"Hey wife" he said, I smiled. "I love hearing that" I cried, "Hey baby why are you crying, I thought you were done crying" he said. "I can't help it, these tears aren't from the wedding" I said, he looked confused.

"Why are you crying then?" he ask, I went closer to him, "These are happy tears" I said, "Hales no more tears how about that" he said.

"I'm crying because I found out something" I said, "What is it?" he asks.

I smiled, "I'm pregnant" I said.

"What?" he ask, "Yeah I've been feeling sick and missed my period and I got a test today and before I could take it you ask me to marry you and now I find this out" I said.

"Your pregnant" he cried, "Yes I am" I said, we both smiled so big and laughed. He kissed me. "Your pregnant, were pregnant" he said, "Yes were pregnant good work" I said, we laughed and we kissed.

"Could this day get any more amazing your my wife and I found out my wife is pregnant I'm going to be a dad" he said, I've never seen Drew this happy before I love this so much.

"Our little family right here" I said, he touch my stomach. "I love you Haley Chadwick" he said. "I love you Drew Chadwick.

   Chapter 49 (: One more chapter !! 

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