Chapter 11

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      Haley POV

         Riley and I were in the taxi on our way to the airport. We got going inside, “Alright I guess I will see you next week then” Riley said. “Yes I am only staying for one week” I said, “You love him so much” she said, “It’s always been Drew” I said.

    “Okay when Jesse picks us up he going to see you’re not with me” she said, “Don’t worry I told him that I was staying a few extra days till my purse was found” I said, “I’m shocked he didn’t come” she said, “He wanted to but I begged him not to come I just told him I had family here and I am staying with them” I said, “Let’s hope he doesn’t find out about Drew” she said.

    “He won’t but he got to know the truth at some point, when I do come back I am going to need to tell him the truth and break up with him” I said. “It won’t be easy but hey I will be there for you” she said we hugged. “Go you got a plane to catch” I said, “You go you got a boy waiting for you” she said, I laughed.

   “I will see you soon” I said, “Go Hales” she said, I got back in the taxi heading to the beach. It was Drew he was the one I wanted, I was scared to say it at first but now I can say it. I’ve always loved him I’ve never stopped.

    I got to the beach running so fast to where Drew was, I saw him standing there I was just looking at him I was smiling. He turned around looking at me, he smiled. “So I made up my mind” I said, “I see you did” Drew said.

    “It’s you, you’re the one I want” I said. He smiled I went closer to him kissing him, he held me in his arms spinning me around,  we were smiling looking at each other, he put his hands to my face. “You found me” he said, “I found you” I said we kissed again. He hugged me so tight, “How long are you going to be here?” he asks, “Just a week we got a lot to figure what we are going to do” I said.

    “I am willing to anything as long as I am with you” he said, “And another thing before we can be official I need to break it off with Jesse” I said, “I thought you already did” he said, “No I didn’t” I said, “He has no idea about me does he” he said, I couldn’t just come out and tell Jesse it’s going to take a little time and figure out what I am going to say.

      “Not really” I said, “Haley why didn’t you” he said, “Because I didn’t know what to tell him and I was more focused on you” I said, “He hates me doesn’t he” he said. “You aren’t his favorite person, I don’t want to think about him all I want is to think about us” I said. “And us it will be” he said, he pulled me in closer kissing me.

       “Now let’s take you home” he said he picked me up, I laughed. “Going to carry me all the way to your place” I said. “No I carry you half way and then you carry me the rest of the way” he said, “Yeah right” I said we laughed.

     We got to his place, on his front porch. “Now welcome to your new home” he said, “Only for a week” I said, “Well will see” he said, we got inside, “It is a really nice place you got here” I said, “Thanks worked hard for it” he said, I went to his room seeing Tiffany laying on his bed naked. “Oh my god” I said covering my eyes, “What are you doing here?” Tiffany asks, “I could ask you the same thing” I said.

    “What’s going on?” Drew asks, coming to the room, I looked seeing Tiffany was wearing a robe. “Hi Drew” she said, “Tiffany why are you here?” he ask, “It’s our place” she said, “No it’s not its mine” he said, “You got me this key so I can come over whenever” she said, he went closer to her, “You know what that key was for” he said.

     “That’s why I am here” she said.

      “I could leave you know so you two can you know” I said, if she going to be doing this while I am here she crazy. This bitch needs to realize its over between her and Drew.

   “Yes please leave” she said. “No Haley you stay Tiffany you go” he said, “Drew she ruined you, do you really want her around again, all she going to do is break your heart again” she said, “Get out” he said. She grabs her clothes walking out of the house slamming the door.

    “Think she will be back?” I ask, “I think I make it clear to her, I don’t know how else to put we aren’t together” he said. “You can sky write it” I joked. He laughed, “Shut up, I’m sorry” he said, “Don’t be sorry for your crazy ex” I said. “I don’t want her ruining this for us” he said.

   “She won’t cause there isn’t anything she can do it to stop me from loving you” I said, he hugged me so tight, it felt amazing to be in his arms again it’s been too long.

   I’ve been at Drew place just being near him again makes me so happy, it was hard for us to actually be together these past days with Tiffany she been coming a lot to the house running into us, it was really annoying I was ready to slap a bitch.

    I ignore her as much as I could cause all that matter is that I am here with Drew and we are willing to work this out.

   Chapter 11(: Short chapter here please vote and comment(:

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