Chapter 34

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Haley POV

        I got up with a bad headache I didn’t drink as much but I am a bit hung over. I was having weird ass dreams all night it was a bit hard to sleep. I went to the kitchen seeing Riley. “Good afternoon” Riley said, “Hey I didn’t drink as bad and shit its noon” I said. “No actually its 2:30” she said. She handed me some coffee.

   I laughed. “No offense I would prefer coffee from the mall or something” I said. “Hey I make good coffee” she said, “Sure” I said, I just wanted something else besides black coffee.

   “Get dress and let’s go” she said, “Yes mom” I said. I went into the room getting on some sweat pants and a white tank with a flannel around my waist. “Wesley text me they are leaving around 4” she called out.

   I came out, “Oh so they should be back around 8 or so” I said. “Yeah gives us a bit more girl time” she said. We went out to my car driving to the mall going to get some coffee and food.

    “Do you think is a good idea for them coming back this late in the afternoon” I said, they might get caught in traffic. “Nah I think they will be okay” she said, “I’m just worrying I don’t know” I said.

    “Okay maybe you should worry” she said, “What why?” I said. She gave me her phone there a bad thunder storm in Vegas. I grab my phone to call Drew.

    I look seeing he was calling, I answered. “Hey Drew” I said. “Hey Hales” Drew said. “How freaky would it be that I was about to call you” I said. He laughed “A bit we might be later coming home” he said. “I saw there a bad storm there” I said.

     “Yeah it’s raining pretty bad we are hoping it will calm soon as it does we will on our way or we stay another tonight and leave in the morning” he said, “Well hopefully it clears up soon” I said, “Me too I miss my girl” he said, I smiled.

       “I miss my boy too” I said. “I will either see you tomorrow or early in the morning” he said, “Okay I am hoping tonight” I said.

    “Me too baby, I love you” he said.

     “Love to talk to later” I said, “I’ll text you” he said. “Bye” I said he hung up.

    “So what’s the deal?” Riley said, “Um they will either be home tonight or tomorrow morning” I said. “They should have left earlier” she said. “I knew something bad was going too happened” I said.

    “It’s not so bad” she said, “Yeah, yeah” I said.

     “Alright well we should get going I want to clean up the house before Wesley comes home” she said. “Okay let’s go” I said.

   We went back to the house,"Alright I will see you later Hales" she said, "Yeah hey Riles thanks for staying with me this weekend" I say. "Yeah of course I love spending time with my best friend" she said, "Me too I needed this a girls weekend" I said, "Well can I was here, we need to plan other one soon" she said, "Duh see you later" I said. "Bye bye" she said, she got her stuff and went home. I went inside the house, locking the doors and setting the alarms. It feels weird being alone, it’s too quiet and if Drew doesn’t come home tonight it will just be me here.

      I lay down on the couch turning the TV on.

    I fell asleep got woken up to my phone ringing. “Hello” I answered. “Hey babe” Drew said. “Hey what’s up” I said. “We are on our way home right now just wanted to let you know” he said, “Oh okay that’s great” I said. “Don’t wait up okay” he said.

    “No I want to see you” I said. “Okay I will see you soon” he said, “Love you” I said, “Love you too baby” he said, I hung up seeing it was 6 shit I slept for 3 hours damn I must have been tired.

   I made myself some mac and cheese eating it. It’s so boring when it’s just you in the house, I could never live alone. This is too lonely.

    I was on the couch painting my nails I was really trying to make time go by fast.

    I looked at my phone seeing that it was dying. I got up looking for my charger. “Shit where is it” I said to myself, I couldn’t find it. I must have left it in the car; I went out there looking for it. I found it going back inside setting the alarm and locking the door.

   I put my phone in the room charging, I went into the living room something seem off I don’t know if I am just being paranoid. I think I am just freaking about staying alone, I hate being home alone especially at night. I am trying to think about the bad so I turn on the TV trying to find something to watch.

   I went to the bathroom to a shower I need to make time go by fast or I just figure to take a shower and go to bed I know I wanted to up till Drew got back but I don’t think I can.

     Hopefully he will be home soon enough. I got done with my shower drying off putting on some yoga pants and one of Drew’s tanks, putting my hair up in a ponytail.

    I heard something in the living room like footsteps, “Drew?” I called out.

   I went out to the living room seeing nothing. I swear I am going crazy it’s nothing, just go to bed I am thinking to myself.

    I went back to the bedroom turning on the lights seeing Tiffany sitting on the bed.

    “Hi sweetie missed me” Tiffany said.  

     Chapter 34 (: Sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger but it is just getting started all over again keep the votes and reads thanks guys ! 

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