Chapter 41

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Drew POV

3 days went by Haley still missing and the cops haven't done anything about it, they aren't doing shit. I'm done with their help I am doing this on my own I can find her.

I called Wesley to come over to help me out to find Haley. I was thinking of all the places she could be.

"Hey man what's up?" Wesley asks walking in with coffee.

"Thanks man I need this" I said grabbing the coffee. "You look like you haven't slept" he said, "You think I would actually sleep" I said.

"Still nothing" he said.

"The cops aren't doing nothing they just think she ran away or something" I said.

"Why did you call me over?" he ask. "You and I were going to find Haley" I said.

"Do you have an idea on where she might be" he said, "A few ideas, one she could be here still Jesse would come here to find her or take her back to Pennsylvania" I said.

"You are still on that Jesse took her" he said, I looked at him, "Dude seriously Jesse escape Haley gets into a bad accident she missing for 3 days and this" I said, I showed him my phone, he grab it reading the messages.

"She broke up with you" he said, "Look at our messages before, look at the way she talking to me, this isn't her, she only text no calls" I said.

"Jesse took her" he said, "Thank you finally someone believes me" I said.

"Just one thing how we can know where he took her" he said. That's the hard part finding out where she is.

"That's what we're going to do" I said, "If you only you can trace her phone like Jesse once did to know her every move" he said, "Oh my god" I said.

Shit, holy shit, I ran and got my laptop.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Trace her phone god why didn't I think of that before" I said, "What are you talking about" he says.

"After we got shot Haley and I worried about Tiffany being out there so we got a tracker on our phones to see where we are we knew it would help to find each other" I said.

I couldn't believe I didn't think about this before.

I was trying to find this out to get a location. "You got something" he said.

Oregon? "She in Oregon" I said.

""Oregon? Why there?" he ask.

I was trying to think why would that freak go there, it hit me I knew where she was.

"The cabin, the cabin her parents cabin she there I know it" I said. "Let's get there and call the cops" he said.

"No we are doing this just you and I please man I need your help" I said.

"I'm in bro" he said. "Thanks bro" I said.

"Let's not tell Riley and Keaton about this I don't need them getting involved" he said, "Yeah come on, let's go get her back" I said.

Haley POV

I think it's night time I can't tell there is no windows in here, I always hates this basement when I was little. My parents thought coming here was a good family vacation but it really made things worse made them argue more than usual, I tried hiding in here once so I wouldn't hear them fighting, but I was scared I was screaming and crying and for that moment my parents actually acted like parents to me.

I haven't been here since I was 10 it's been a long time, didn't think I would ever come back here. I saw Jesse on the computer screen he was coming in.

He walks in putting some boxes in the room.

"Why?" I ask, "Why what?" Jesse ask, "Why me why did you pick me?" I ask, "Haley I grew up in a fucked up home, my parents aren't my parents" he said, "You were adopted" I said.

"Yes I was confused they hated me, hated me I was just a 13 year old minding his own business online and your videos came up, your voice oh it got me made me happy, you saying how your life was messed up so was mine both of us were fucks up. You only had 2 videos but I knew you would post more and you did you made them knowing I was watching you, you let me know all those things about you, you needed someone I was that someone for you" he says he close to tears.

"Those videos weren't for you" I said, "Yes they were" he said. "You ruin me, because of you I can't sleep at night without waking up screaming" I said.

"You have been thinking about me" he said.

"I don't like it" I said.

"Well you don't have to think about me anymore because we are going to be together" he said, "How are you going to pull this off, the cops know I am missing and that you escape" I said, "Nothing like a little wig and make up can't fix something" he said.

"They will find you" I said, "No they won't, I just need to cash out that bank account the card where is it I search your bags it's not there" he said, I looked at him.

"I don't have it" I said.

"What do you mean you don't have it" he said, "I gave it to Drew" I said, I knew this would piss him off for what I am going to say. "I gave it to him to use for him and I to go away on vacation"

"No, no that's our fucking money you and I were supposed to use that money us not him" he yelled.

"Looks like your plan failed we aren't going anywhere" I said. "Shut up" he said, I laughed. "Failure" I said, "I said shut up" he yelled coming over to me putting his hands around my neck.

I looked at him, my eyes are watering up. He let go breathing hard. "We just need a new plan" he said. "Help me please help me" I yelled. He grabs the duct tape putting it on my mouth I was screaming.

He walked out slamming the door, I was crying so much.

Chapter 41(: only 9 more chapters left of this story and then I will post a new one ! Thanks for everyone who has voted for this story (:

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