Chapter 31

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Haley POV

      2 months have passed, Drew and I have been at Wesley place living here, I hate that we have been here for so long I don’t like being in the way. I know we have to go back home soon but I’m scared still, but I need to face my face fear and go home.

   Drew and I are doing much better we are able to run and walk work out as normal but still have to take it easy. We are better enough to go home but I keep coming up with excuses for not leaving, the cops still haven’t found her. I am trying to accept the fact that she might leave us alone but I can’t she out there somewhere waiting to do her next move.

     I just don’t want to leave yet I feel safe here than at our home, it’s not so much as home anymore. So to take my mind off Riley and I are going to the beach to hangout while Drew went to gym with the boys.

   Riley and I were laying out in the sun.

     I wasn’t comfortable to wear a bikini yet because of my scar; I just had a tank top and shorts on, though I took off my shorts.

     “Thinking about heading home soon?” Riley asks, “Why you and Wesley tired of us” I joked. She laughed, “No trust me I want you guys to stay as long as you need” she said.

    “I know for sure Drew wants to go back home but I just don’t feel safe in that house” I said. “You won’t be alone though you got Drew there and new locks and a security system” she said.

    “Just doesn’t feel the same, she was in the house she got copy of the keys” I said. “And that’s why Drew told Wesley to get the locks changes” she cut me off.

    “That place just doesn’t feel like home” I said. “You can stay as long as you want with us you know that” she said. I want to stay yes I do but I know we have to leave even if I don’t want to go.

    “I would want that but I need to go back, I need to feel safe again” I said.

    “It’s been 2 month you haven’t heard from her, cops have been looking for her” she said. “That’s what happen last time we didn’t hear from her we thought she was in jail and turns out she wasn’t” I said. “Showing her fear is making her stronger remember that” she said. My fear was taking over me and I couldn’t control it but I had to try to stay calm.

   “You are right and to show no fear I am going to get a snack alone” I said.

   “There you go” she said, I stood up putting on my shorts. I was walking over to get a snack, I was looking around at everyone I was being so paranoid about this whole thing; this is the first I’ve actually been outside alone.

   I need to stop worrying about this maybe it is time to go back home. I went back over to Riley. “Hey I need to go somewhere” I said, “Are you okay?” she asks, “Yeah I just need to do something” I said.

    “Need me to come with you?” she asks.

    “It’s something I need to do alone, see you back at the house” I said. “Okay yeah” she said.

    I started walking off I knew the house wasn’t too far from where we were. I needed to go home; the last time I was here I totally freaked out and left.

   I was outside of the house just looking at it. I took a deep breath walking to the door; I open the door with the new key.

   It was so cold in here everything look the same, she hasn’t been here I don’t think, I walked into the bedroom looking at the floor all I could think about is when I walked into this room is seeing her and being shot. I was laying on this floor close to death, I almost died right here.

     I looked around the room everything looked normal, I went over to the back door making sure it was locked.

   I sat on the bed. “You can do this Hales” I told myself. I lay down on the bed trying to forget what happen in here. I heard footsteps outside; I sat up right away breathing hard, the door open I freaked running to the back door. “Haley” I heard Drew.

    Oh thank god, god I need to stop this I am okay.

   I walked out of the bedroom, he looked at me. “Hi” I said, “What are you doing here?” he asks.

      “I just needed a minute alone in here to see if I could actually be alone in here” I said. “I know you are scared Haley” he said.

   “When I close my eyes I see her standing there, I relive that moment every night in my dreams. I am trying so hard not to be scared but I can’t” I said putting my hands to my face covering my tears.

    “Hey baby” he said taking my hands away from my face, I looked at him. “This isn’t going to be easy for the both of us, but we got each other, I am just as scared as you are but I am being strong I want our life’s back to normal” he said.

   I want our life’s back to normal as soon as possible, I just need to take it day by day each day is going to get better.

   “Okay let’s move back in here” I said, “Are you sure?” he asks.

    “Yes this is step one to get things back to normal it’s been 2 months its time to come home” I said. He hugged me so tight. “I love you so much” he said.

    “I love you too” I said, we kissed.

   “Come on let’s go back get our things and come home” he said.

   We went back over to Wesley place getting our stuff, “You are a strong girl Haley” Riley said, “Thanks, thank you for letting us stay here” I said I hugged her. “Of course anything for you” she said.

     Drew and I left going home, and as we got there getting our stuff inside. It was time to be here.

     I sat on the bed. “You okay babe?” Drew asks, “Yeah I was just thinking that I am going to move in here with you” I said. “Really you are going to finally move in here?” he asks.

    “Yes I am” I said. Drew came over tackling me on the bed, I was laughing “Oh my god what are you doing” I laughed. “Finally you are going to be moving in here” he said.

    “I want to if we are getting our life back to normal then I want to start by moving in” I said. He kissed me and hugged me, “Can we just stay like this me just hugging my girlfriend” he said, I don’t mind this having my boyfriend hold me like this, and being here in his arms I can call this home and I do feel safe.

    “Please stay here forever like this” I said. “I plan on it” he said kissing my head.

    “I’m feeling a lot better” I said I was. I was feeling better being here wasn’t so bad, its time to start living a life instead of living in fear.

    Chapter 31 (: Keep up the votes and reads thanks guys ! 

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