Chapter 21

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Haley POV

    After a few hours of hanging out at the club, I decided to go back to the dorm room to get more of my clothes. Drew drops me off at the house so I can drive myself to the dorm. I go and park on the street taking a breath in and out.

    I was walking up to the dorm room, I feel like she was watching me I know she was. She wants me and that is what I will give her me.

   "I know you are here, just come out" I say. I turn around and there she was standing there dressed just like me.

    "Well, well, well where is the boyfriend Drew" Tiffany said, "Not here, it's just me" I said, she was walking closer to me. "You are pretty stupid coming here alone" she said, "You think I don't know that, after what you did" I said, "You don't know shit" she said.

    "But I do Meredith" I said, her eyes got big, "What the fuck did you call me" she turning away.

    "Your first name, you're real name" I said, "What do you know?" she ask angry.

    "Everything, I know are you here looking for him Blake" I said. She turns around so quickly when I said his name. "Shut up" she whisper.

    "You killed his family, he didn't want you, and he wanted Carly not your crazy ass" I said, "Shut up" she said louder she was getting pissed off I could tell. "You won't get Drew, you are going to pay for what you did" I said with a tone. "Shut up" she yelled she pulled out a gun hitting in me the face with it, I hit the ground and she kicked me in the face knocking me out.

    I woke up laying on the floor, everything was a bit blurry, and I notice I had duct tape on my mouth, hands and legs. I tried sitting up to look around the room, it was dark, and I think I was in closet.

     The door open it was bright in my face from the light. "Bitch is up already, took you long enough" she said grabbing me by the hair dragging me out it hurt I couldn't scream from how bad it hurt. She took me out of the closet into a room where all the walls were filled up pictures of Drew, she was absolutely crazy.

     She pulls the tape off my mouth. "Why am I here?" I ask, "I see this as Haley goes missing for a few days maybe a few weeks Drew gets worried wonder where you went, he will be hurt and in comes me Miss Haley Parker, I did my research on you, you have a pretty boring fucking life, but the one thing that caught my eye was your boyfriend what was his name Jesse" she said. I looked at her, I swear to god if he comes out I will fucking scream.

     "What do you know about him?" I ask.

    "Oh I know he was here while you were here, that day where we first met I walked out seeing him, I saw him watching you and right then and there I knew him and I would become the best of friends" she said. "He locked up" I said.

    "For the mean time, I mean he seemed pretty upset when I mention to him I wanted to kill you but I promise I wouldn't touch a pretty hair on your head" she said touching my head, I jerked my head away from her.

    "What are you going to do with me?" I ask, "Well in the meantime keep you locked up till I find a way to get Jesse out" she said, my heart started pounding so fast, she knew about him, she going to help him out, she couldn't, she wouldn't if she wanted to get rid of me this was the way getting Jesse out and him taking me away.

    Is she talking with him? Oh god I can't help but start crying so hard.

    "Oh sweetheart why are you crying, you miss Jesse?" she ask, I looked at her, she started laughing so hard. "Go fuck yourself" I said.

     "Oh honey" she said.

     "He always finds me, Drew will find me" I said.

     "Not this time" she said she walked out; my face was hurting its like pounding of pain. She kidnap me, she going to get rid of me so can be me, she out of her mind. I have a feeling I was at her place. I was looking around the room I see my bag I was trying to move to go to my bag to grab my phone.

    I reach it looking for it. "Shit where is it?" I say to myself.

     "What are you doing" she yelled pulling me back, I was trying to stand up to make a somewhat of a run for it. She grabs me throwing me to the wall I hit the wall and the floor, I screamed as a hit the floor. "Help me someone" I yelled.

     Tiffany got on top me it was hard to fight her off with tape on me. She put the duct back on my mouth. "You think I don't know you are trying to be all badass back there, thinking you can beat me you can't beat me no matter what you think you never beat me" she said. I was crying at this point.

    She grabs me by the arms making me sit. "You know what I can't stand you being here much longer" she said, she stood up. I was trying to talk I was making noise like a screaming one.

    She came over taking off the tape. "You think you can just replace Blake you can't" I said. "I have no idea what you are talking about" she said, "You do, you came here looking for him and when you couldn't find him you became pissed off trying to find that one guy who could replace him and you did Drew" I said.

    "You don't fucking know anything" she yelled. "I saw him, Blake I saw him" I said. "Where is he?" she asks, "Away from your crazy ass" I said. She came to my face, "Tell me, tell me where he is tell me" she was yelling.

    "Away" I said. She screamed standing up hitting the wall. She was crying.

    "I did it for us, I did it for us" she cried, she was talking to herself. "You need help Tiffany" I said maybe talking to her will calm her down.

     "No, no I need Drew, I need Drew" she said, she is right in front of me, and she grabs my face. "You had your shot with Drew and you blew it, I don't get why he would want you back, but if its you he wants then I will give him Haley, he is mine and I will do whatever it takes to make sure I am the only here who loves him"

     "He doesn't love you" I said she slaps me in the face. She stands up still in front of me. "There only one room for one girl in Drew life and that's me" she said pulling out a gun.

Chapter 21 (: sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger but it's worth it !!!! More is coming to this story please vote !!!(:

I've always loved you-Drew Chadwick FanFicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora