Chapter 14

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Haley POV

          “Finally got the last box unpack” I said, “Thank god I never want to unpack again” Riley said, we both lay down on her bed, “When I move in with Drew I get to pack it all up again” I said. “When is that going to be” she said, “Not anytime soon” I said.

   “How are you doing?” she ask, beside the nightmares waking up screaming in my sleep, watching my every move, locking the doors. “I’m okay I guess I mean its been 2 weeks you think I would be good” I said. “What you went through isn’t easy” she said, it wasn’t I never thought I would have to go through this. “I just feel like its not really over” I said.

    “He locked up he can’t get you” she said, even though Jesse locked up and is far from me I still feel like he is here with me. “I just shared so much with him, he knows every single about me, and he took so much from me” I said. “Were you virgin before you met him?” she asks. I looked at her and smiled. “I was 16 and in love with Drew” I said.

   She laughed, “Well good he didn’t take everything from you” she said, I sat up. “After the court hearing I am hoping everything will be better” I said. “Have you thought about talking to the lady counselor Nash suggested?” she ask, thought about it but wasn’t sure if it would help me really.

    “I don’t think so I am okay I just want to forget it and going in and talking about it is only making me remember it all” I said. “Well just know I am here if you ever need to talk” she said, “I know you are” I said. I stood up going to my bag, I need to go to store and get a new phone I kind of broke mine.

    “Where are you going?” she ask. “To get myself a new phone” I said. “Yeah you should because I’m tired of you using my phone to make late night booty calls to your boyfriend” she said, I laughed. “Oh my god I do not do that” I said. “If that’s what you say” she said, “Bye” I said walking out of the dorm room.

   I was walking towards the front of the campus waiting for Drew to come pick me up. I was standing there looking all around at everyone. I just feel so paranoid right now what if Jesse wasn’t the only one who watched my videos, those videos were just to let out what I was feeling not for to pleasure creepers like Jesse.

    I saw Drew coming up in his car, I got it in looking at him he looked so handsome I love that I am here with him again. “Hey baby” Drew said he leaned in giving me a kiss on my lips. “Hey” I said. He started to drive off. “How is my girl feeling today?” he ask, I smiled. I love that when he calls me his girl. “I’m alright just dealing with school” I said. “That’s good but you know what I mean” he said, I do know what he means. “I’m just trying to get over it really” I said. “You know Riley called me” he said, of course she did not that I care. “What did she say?” I ask even thought I probably know.

   “That you have been having nightmares waking up screaming” he said. “When you guys get a stalker then you can know how I am feeling” I said. “Which is what Haley how are you feeling” he said, “I told you” I said. “Don’t give me the I’m fine, alright, okay bullshit cause I know you Hales I know when you aren’t alright” he said. I hate it that he knows me all so well.

   “Fine you win I’m not okay I have these nightmares terrible nightmares that he comes for me and just takes me away and I wake up screaming and then making sure the door lock and I watch my every move making sure he nowhere near me” I said. “Haley it’s normal to feel like this but he can’t get you he in jail” he said.

    “He could get out” I said, “No he can’t he is locked up for good” he said.

    “But when I go in for court I can’t face him” I said, Drew pulled over to the side, he grab my hand “Hey you are not going through this alone” he said, “I know I have you” I said, we hugged. So glad I got Drew with me while I am dealing with all of this.

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