Chapter 25

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Haley POV

      A month later.

     Drew had a surprise plan for me tonight, I wasn't sure what we were going to do but I was really excited, with all the whole drama with Tiffany and Jesse is finally over, I hope they just leave us alone cause I am done with them.

      I've been staying at Drew place lately I like being with him makes me happy that we are together again. I've never stop loving him. Riley was calling me, I answered my phone. "Hello" I said. "Hey Haley" Riley said, "What’s up?" I ask, "Nothing just chilling at the dorm room Wesley coming over soon since you ditch me" she said, "Hey I'm sorry" I said, "I'm kidding I don't blame you staying at Drew place after all you guys have been through and all the sex you guys have" she said, "Oh my god" I laughed.

      "Just saying" she said, "And it feels good to stay with him after what we went through" I said. "It’s all over now" she said, "Well let’s hope  the restraining orders works when he gets out" I said, "He breaks it, he goes back to jail which is a better place for him and anyways he in jail for 9 years" she said, "Agreed still freaks me out how he stalked me even before I knew him, all I know when he does get out the cops will tell me right away cause you never know what he will do but scares me a bit" I said, "Haley its going to be okay he not going to hurt you anymore, he a creeper Hales and I don't think he will bother you again, I wouldn't if I had a boyfriend like Drew he would kick the crap out of him" she said, I laughed.

     "You got a good boyfriend, Wes wouldn't let any guy mess with you" I said, "We got our self some good guys don't we" she said, "Yes we do" I said, "Well have fun on your date tonight with Drew maybe tomorrow in the afternoon we can go to the mall and hang have a girls day shopping" she said, "Sounds good, stop by at noon and we can shop and have a girls day" I said.

     "I have a date with my bae tomorrow" she said, "Oh my god you did not just say that" I said I laughed she did also. "Alright go and have fun see you tomorrow" she said, "Okay bye" I said, and I hung up.

     I finished getting ready putting on a dress. "Hey beautiful" Drew said he kissed my head. "Hi" I said looking at him. "You look beautiful" he said, I smiled "You don't look so bad yourself" I said, he kissed me. He grab my face and was kissing me all crazy I was laughing "Oh my god stop" I said, "I love kissing you" he said, I pushed him away, "A little too much" I said.

     "You love it, you ready" he said, "Yeah where are we going" I said, "Out" he said, "Well duh out where?'' I ask, "Might as well tell you, but it be best to show you" he said, he grab my hand and took me outside, "Watch your step" he said.

     "Where are we going?" I ask, "Almost there" he said, we were at the beach a little away from the house, "Drew" I said, "Come here" he said, he was still holding my hand we walked over and I saw a table there with candles all set up.

      "Oh my god is that for us?" I ask, "Haley I know a lot has been going on but we have been so strong through it all, I thought a nice dinner would be perfect we can finally be a couple" he said, I kissed him. "It’s always been perfect with you" I said, we sat down eating the dinner. Drew can actually cook I didn't know this about him, it was pasta it was my favorite meal, he made a good meal.

    "Now what's a nice dinner" I said, "You liked it?" he ask, "It was amazing" I said, "I hope there is room for some dessert" he said, "Which is what?" I ask, "Chocolate covered strawberries" he said, "Now you are just thinking of everything what would be a perfect date be like on the beach without chocolate cover strawberries" I said, "Wouldn't be right" he said, Drew put blankets on the sand we sat there and fed each other’s strawberries this was so sweet of him to do this.

I've always loved you-Drew Chadwick FanFicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ