Who do you like? - Jun/Vernon

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Warning: a lot of sighing ahead


I walked into the practice room, waiting for the boys to start the dance practice. I came here to watch Jihoon, since I only talked to him. I'd never watched a practice before, but Jihoon somehow convinced my antisocial awkward ass to come today. I was kind of nervous about it for some reason. Probably because I was about to most likely interact with twelve people I've never talked to before.

I walked to the back of the room and sat against the wall, out of the way where the boys would be practicing. I could see people walking around, making sure that everything was staying on track.

Suddenly I heard a loud ruckus coming from outside of the practice room, startling me a little bit. That had to be them. The door opened and the guys started to pour into the room. I saw Jihoon walk in as one of the last people. I couldn't help but to laugh at his height difference to the others. Now that I'm seeing it in person..

Woozi spotted me sitting in the floor and practically ran over to me, looking really excited.

"Y/n, you actually came?" Jihoon said with shock in his voice.

I let out a deep sigh and put my hand to my head.

"Yes, I came." I said.

"Come on, before we start practice I want to introduce you to the guys." Jihoon said, holding his hand out.

I grabbed his hand after hesitating for a moment. This is probably going to be really awkward..

He helped me up and started to lead me to where the others were mindlessly chatting away with each other. Jihoon got their attention rather quickly.

"Guys! This is my friend, Y/n." He said, causing everyone to turn and look at me.

I looked away from them and felt a blush go across my face. Causing someone in the back to snicker. He suddenly started talking.

"Awh, she's so cute." He said.

"Shut up Vernon, I'm trying to introduce you to her!" Jihoon said.

His comment made me blush even worse. What the fuck..?

"Anyways, she's going to watch us practice today, so try your best!" He finished, motioning me to stand back.

I went back to my place on the floor and looked at everyone carefully.

I saw the guy who called me cute, Vernon, staring at me. Once I made eye contact I looked away, trying to not make this awkward. I looked at another guy, who looked like he was sassing someone opposite of him. That must be Seungkwan, Jihoon talked about him being the diva of the group..

I saw someone else staring at me, and this time it wasn't Vernon. It was.. well, I didn't know his name. Maybe I should ask Jihoon. I'd have to wait until after they finished practicing though.

I could feel myself getting a little tired, so I pulled my jacket hood over my head and leaned it towards the wall. Good thing I was in the corner.. I didn't plan on going to sleep, just trying to get comfortable. But I ended up dozing off.

– – – – – – – – –

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes, allowing them to focus. I saw the guy whose name I didn't know who was staring at me earlier.. I was suddenly wide awake. I didn't know how to react, so I stayed quiet, keeping eye contact and making things a lot more awkward than they already were.

He waited a few seconds before speaking.

"Um.. Hi. I'm Jun, Jihoon asked me to come and wake you up. Our practice just ended." He said, pausing a few times in the sentence.

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