Heavy Rain - Joshua

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I stared contently at the trickles of water running down the glass of my window, seeing the sky light up every so often. It was just light thunder, which made this a lot calmer.

The rain wasn't being calm though, as it had been pouring down, the drops of rain smacking down hard on my hand when I stuck it out the window earlier, soaking my hand and the end of my hoodie sleeve within seconds.

I wanted to be able to stand outside and walk around in the rain. Wishing delicate water drops would litter across my face and clothes, giving me a cool and content feel.

What a nice thought.. but there's two problems. It's raining hard, and there's lighting coming.

Maybe walking out for a few minutes won't be so bad, I just have to come back in fast, otherwise I could get sick.

I pulled my hood over my head, sliding on my rain boots that I had stored in the closet. I made sure that I was going to be safe from the heavy rain soaking me almost immediately.

I lied my phone down on my bed and walked towards the door. I opened it to see the rain pouring over the edge of the thick roof that protected the porch. I smiled, walking out of the safety of the porch into the rain.

I felt it hit my face, sending a shiver down my spine. It wasn't soon until I was running around, causing my hood to fall and rain soaking my hair.

I stayed out for a while, and I was cold.. I walked into the house, peeling my hoodie off of my soaked clothes. I lied it down in the laundry room, before getting ready to take a hot shower.


I walked into the bedroom, feeling a slight discomfort in my throat. I didn't pay much attention to it, instead scanning over Joshua, who had just got back from practice. I smiled as I picked my phone up off my bed, sitting down at the edge.

"What have you been doing Y/n? I saw your hoodie- well, my hoodie in the laundry room. It was drenched. Did you go outside in that rain?" He asked, giving me a concerned look.

"..Maybe." I said, proceeding to let out a loud sneeze into my arm.

"Look at what you've done.. you've gotten yourself sick." He said, tracing my seemingly weaker appearance.

"Oh come on! Just one sneeze and the fact that I'm tired make me sick?" I asked, giving him a discomforted look.

"Just get some rest, I don't want you getting really sick." He said, leaning over and planting a kiss on my cheek.

I saltily pouted, almost not being able to resist the urge to stick my tongue out at him.

Joshua walked out of the room, leaving me by myself. I got to the front of the bed, lying my head down on a pillow and staring at the ceiling.

In this dull silence, I could still faintly hear the rain outside. Usually in this place of the house we couldn't hear if it was raining or not.. I guess it really is coming down out there. But that was good, it was actually causing me a lot of weariness, slowly slipping out of my consciousness.


I opened my eyes, darkness clouding my vision. I rubbed my eyes, leaning over the bed to cut on my lamp. That's when I realized, I wasn't in bed alone. I forgot Joshua was here.

He had his arms locked around my waist, and his face pressed against my back with his fringe tickling my neck. I couldn't disrupt his sleep.. I'd feel bad.

I carefully and gently grabbed his wrist, trying to take it out from around me. This caused him to slightly shift in his place, a low grunt coming from him. I let go of his wrist, trying to find another way to be able to get out of bed without waking him up.

I spent a few minutes thinking of ways to get out of bed. Then it came to me.

I slowly moved my foot off the bed, trying to get it to reach the floor. I was slightly off the bed, causing my shirt to curl up and have a tight line around my stomach, exposing some as well.

I slipped out of bed, hitting the floor with a loud thud. I cringed from the sudden pain, causing me to freeze and my heart rate to sky rocket.

When my heart felt like it was about to explode, I slowly sat up and looked over the bed, seeing Joshua's arms sprawled out on my side of the bed, with a sour look on his face.

Was he even sleeping?

I shouldn't test, just in case he really is and I end up waking him up.

I walked to the kitchen, the raindrops hitting the glass and roof a becoming a lot more audible.

I can't stay out long, just in case Joshua wakes up and wonders why I'm gone.

I took one last look outside, and at that exact moment a loud cracking and grumbling noise rung through my ears, and I saw a massive visible bolt of lighting that shot across the sky.

My heart rate increased again, as I stumbled back into the kitchen counter. I'm scared..

I sped up walking back to the bedroom, hearing the low but threatening grumbles of the sky start to become audible again.

Before I could reach the bed, a louder noise than before had made me stumble, falling into the bed and quickly pulling the sheets over me. I was shaking bad.

"Y/n.." I heard a low voice say beside me.

"Joshua? I'm sorry.. did I wake you up?" I asked, gripping onto the pillow beneath my head.

"No.. it was the lightning. Face towards me." He said, me immediately turning over in the bed.

I made direct eye contact with him, his dark yet light tinted face in the dark bedroom. I felt him put his arm back around my waist, and pulled me close enough for him to give me a reassuring kiss. My heart rate was still the same, but I felt calmer.

"You're going to be okay.. Just try to sleep and you won't have to hear it." Joshua mumbled close to my ear, twirling a few strands of my hair.

He planted a final kiss on my lips before shutting his eyes.

Not gonna lie, when I'm with Joshua, I feel like he can make stress go away within a millisecond.

I softly smiled, hearing the thunder crackle again. But this time, my body tensed up, I felt Joshua move closer to me, stealing a few more kisses as he did so.

{a/n} |word count; 1139|

hullo kids~ I wrote this special Joshua imagine because I like rain and good ol' comfort towards the one who is scared of it :,)

Anyway, that be all.

I'm sleeping now, goodnight⭐️

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