Job Well Done - Hoshi

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"Where is Soonyoung!? Is he just hung up on that girl again?" The manager, Mei, ranted, pacing around the room like her life depended on it.

"I'm sure he's just late because he slept in or something.. Stop freaking out." I said, attempting to soothe her.

"This is the third day in a row he's been late! I don't even like that girl.. She acts like she owns him and his schedule. If I wouldn't get arrested for it I'd sure show her not to make him late for his own job!" She said, stomping her foot hard on the ground.

While she continued ranting, I felt really confused. This is the first time I've been here since that Soonyoung guy was hired. I usually stay at home to do all of my work, but occasionally when Mei asks me to, I come down here for work. But Soonyoung doesn't sound like the most efficient worker..

Then the door opened, and a guy walked in. Mei gave him an annoyed look.

"Soonyoung.. Why are you late again?" Mei asked, tapping her foot onto the carpet.

"Reina, as always." He simply said, walking to the back room.

"Damnit.. I knew it was that girl again." She said, walking to her office.

I sighed, turning towards my desk and looking over the papers that were lying on it. These looked a lot different than what I'm used to. That's probably why Mei asked me to come down here, she probably can't figure it out either.

I could faintly hear Mei talking to Soonyoung, telling him to take his job seriously. I couldn't hear what he was saying because he wasn't yelling unlike Mei was. But it was really throwing me off of actually finding out how to do this.. Whatever this is.


After about an hour of being confused as hell and trying to make sense of these papers, I finally figured it out and easily got through it. I hadn't heard anything else dorm Mei or Soonyoung since a while ago, so I wonder if Soonyoung is actually going to take his job seriously now.

"Listen, I told you I can't come right now, I'm at work.." I heard a voice say, before Soonyoung came down the hall.

I froze for a moment, deciding to just keep working and ignore him. But it was so difficult, I'm really curious now..

"Can't you wait a couple of hours? If I leave now I think my manager will cuss me out." He continued, and loud bickering came from the other end.

I stood up, picking up the papers and walking to where Mei would be. I walked past Soonyoung, who stopped me by holding his hand out.

"Listen.. I can prove that I'm at work because one of my coworkers is here right now. She'll tell you!" Soonyoung said, holding out the phone to me with a panicked look on his face.

I hesitantly grabbed the phone, putting it up to my ear.

"Um.. Hi. This is Y/n, and Soonyoung is at work..?" I said in a rushed voice, looking back at Soonyoung who gave me a thumbs up.

I held the phone back out to him, almost dropping it. He took it, quickly hanging up the phone.

"..Thanks.. Y/n? I swear I was about to break my phone." He said, smiling at me.

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