Drenched - Jun

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> Jun

I was out in a downpour, not aware of what was going to happen because I didn't bother to look at the forecast for today. The only protection from the rain that I had was the hood to my jacket. I didn't want to walk back to my house, because I know I'll get a major scolding from my mom about being soaking wet, the problems being both me possibly getting sick, and getting the floor wet.

I just wish that she'd hurry up and get here.. It's freezing out here. These jeans are starting to get uncomfortable on my legs and if anymore water gets in my shoes I swear I'll go crazy. I just hope that Y/n doesn't mind me getting the floorboard and car of her seat slightly wet..

I felt my phone in my shivering hands vibrate, and I was doing a pretty poor job of protecting it in the rain. The water on the screen made it hit a bunch of things on the screen. I eventually gave up trying to use it that way and literally wiped my phone on my cheek. It was the driest place on my body at this point. I finally got it working correctly, and saw a text from Y/n.

From: Y/n😤
I'll be there in a few minutes, I'm stopped at a gas station so just don't leave your house yet, alright?

Huh.. Too late for that. I guess it wouldn't kill me to wait just a few more minutes. Although I feel like I'd get a worse chewing out from Y/n than my mom about being out in the freezing pouring rain..

I waited, swinging back and forth on my feet in an attempt to take my mind of the uncomfortable mess that I was right now. I couldn't process my thoughts right now, because I was to the point where my teeth couldn't stop from chattering.

My phone vibrated again.

From: Y/n😤
I just left. There was a long line. I'll be there in like two minutes, go ahead and make your way to the end of the street

I sighed, wishing I'd thought of that heads up before coming outside. I've been out here for about.. ten minutes now? Y/n is gonna kill me for one reason or another.

I saw a set of headlights coming down the street, assuming it was Y/n. And I was right, she stopped right next to me, motioning me to get in.

I opened the passenger side door, hopping in. Y/n gave me a judgmental look.

"You know there's something called an umbrella, Jun.. You had to have been out there longer than two minutes." Y/n sighed as I pulled my hood down, pushing my wet bangs back, since they were weirdly sticking to my forehead.

"Well.. Ten minutes isn't that bad I guess."

"Wait a second. You've been out there for ten minutes!? Why are you such a dumbass?" She half-shouted, smacking me in the head.

"Chill, Y/n! I'm fine!" I said back, and she shook her head.

"You're shivering..And that means you could get sick if you don't get warmed up soon. Don't worry, the heat is on. Just don't ruin my car any more than you already have.. Or I don't care. Water can't possibly do that much." She said.

I was thankful she didn't give me a long lecture about being smart and avoiding getting sick. I just wanted to get this over with and sleep.

What was the point of me doing this again? I can't really remember clearly. This all was just supposed to be a fun time, just hanging out with friends. But it doesn't feel like it's as simple as that to me anymore.

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