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"CHAN!" You shrieked through the apartment, causing the boy to jump in his place, before realizing why you were screaming.

It was December. Yeah, Christmas was good. But sometimes Chan despised it only because he knew that you'd want to go all out with decorations. You did last year, and he expected nothing less this year. You always said something about your, 'Christmas aesthetic,' and how you loved seeing all the lights anyways since they provided a calm atmosphere.

But regardless of not really wanting to, Chan got up. He was going to check on you in the slight chance that you were actually getting murdered. Even though it was extremely unlikely considering that you probably just wanted to put up all the Christmas decorations.

When Chan walked into your shared room, he was met with you helplessly trying to untangle all of the Christmas lights you had shoved into a box and hadn't touched them since last Christmas. You looked up at him distressed, holding up the tangled mess of lights as if it were a cry for help.

Chan couldn't help but to laugh at your misery, coming over and sitting down on the bed next to you to aide in the quest that would be untangling all of these lights before you had another mental breakdown. It would definitely take a while, because there are so many of them..

"Say, why does it look like we have more than last year?" Chan asked, and you shrugged.

"I mean.. I didn't get any news ones.. Well, not in that box alone." You said, mumbling the last part, almost succeeding in not letting Chan hear before he playfully shoved you a little bit.

You chuckled, grabbing a wad of the tangled strings of lights before working your way to untangle them with Chan.

Every time you'd get one string of lights free from the others, you'd place them behind you on the bed neatly, hoping that they wouldn't decide to tangle up again.

But you were sure that almost a years worth of tangles wouldn't be able to happen in an hour.. Right? You really shouldn't be underestimating them..

After going through all the pain and suffering from untangling the lights, you then forced Chan to help you put them up neatly in different parts of the house, cutting them on and then admiring your work.

You were standing with Chan, who had a line of lit up lights in his hand but hadn't put them where you told him to yet.

"Chan.. Are you gonna put those lights up?" You asked, and he snapped out of his spacing out session.

He smiled at you softly, looking a bit tired as he held out the end of the string to you as you awkwardly took it, not knowing what he was doing.

He started to pull it back fast, until you were against his chest and the sudden contact making you drop the light he had handed to you. He soon did the same, dropping the lights completely to the ground to wrap his arms around you and slightly sway as you listened to the soothing Christmas music you had put on in the background earlier as a filler for the silence that would've been there otherwise.

The music together with the lights made out to be really soothing, especially adding in the fact that you and Chan were hugging in the middle of the living room while it all happened.

Chan pulled away for a moment to finally put up the lights. And after he did so, he grabbed your hand and led you over to the couch where the two of you sat down and finally took in all of the pretty lights and soothing music fully.

Chan took this silent moment to gently pull you closer to him, snuggling his face into your neck before acting as if he was gonna go to sleep right then and there.

You smiled warmly at this boy who had already managed to make Christmas season that much more calm.

But little did Chan know.. The lights were only the beginning of this decorating madness.

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