Studying - DK

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I tapped my fingers on the table, awaiting Seokmin to come through the library doors. He was supposed to come and study with me, he's running a bit late though. I don't know what he's doing, or if he's even coming at that.

There was no telling how long I would have to wait, so I opened my textbook. I wasn't going to just not study, me studying didn't depend on if he came here or not. I don't even know why he wouldn't come, he offered to come and study with me anyways..

I remember it clearly. This morning in History he asked if I could help him study for the upcoming test in the library after school. I thought I was going to get to spend time with him.. I don't know if he knows this or not, but I kind of like him. I'm not really sure if I do or not, I mean, as in if I really like him.

I should stop thinking about him and study, otherwise I'll fail this test. That wouldn't be good, it's for a grade that counts greatly on our final score.

I put in my headphones and cut on some relaxing cafe-like music so I could concentrate.

I didn't hear the doors open, and failed to hear someone sit across from me. That was until I felt a soft tap on my arm. I jumped at the sudden contact and shot my attention up. I saw Seokmin sitting in front of me.

I paused my music and took out my headphones, giving him a weird look.

"Sorry for showing up late, I was with the guys, I really lose track of time because of them.." he said.

"No, it's fine. It's not like you missed much." I said, messing with the corner of a page on my book.

"So what exactly is this test going to be on?" He asked, glancing over the pages of my book.

"Chapter seventeen through twenty." I said blandly, staring down at the book.

"Well.. I kinda forgot my book in the classroom.." he said, his words becoming a blur after that.

I stayed silent, spaced out on the words of the pages. I suddenly looked back up, seeing him staring at me. What did he say? Oh! Book, that's right.

"Um.. You can look at mine if you want." I said, rather awkwardly for some reason.

"Okay, thanks." He said, getting up.

Wait, he's he's going to sit next to me? Wait- that was a stupid thing to ask myself. How else is he gonna be able to read it, across the table? Then it'd be upside down, that's not very smart, is it? I'm such a dumbass..

He pulled up the chair next to me and sat down, leaning over a little to get a better look at the pages. I felt myself tense up, because he was close to me. I need to snap out of this, and actually study.

"Which chapter is that?" He asked, pointing towards the pages.

"Two teen- I mean- oh god.." I said, cringing at myself and putting my hand up to my face. (I couldn't help myself I'm sorry)

If it wasn't so abnormal, and Seokmin wasn't here, I actually would've physically slapped myself. I guess mentally will do..

Seokmin giggled, smiling slightly. I'm glad he finds my stupidity entertaining. This is going to haunt me forever..

"I know what you meant, let's just go over it." He said, still having a silhouette of a slight smile on his face.

I pointed at a paragraph and ran my finger down the page.

"These are the ones that the teacher said would be important to memorize for the test." I said, making sure Seokmin was paying attention.

He nodded slowly, reading through the paragraphs I just pointed out. It stayed silent for a little as he read, which was creating a bit of an awkward atmosphere for me.

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