Winter Confession - Joshua

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We were walked down the sidewalk, it was snowing. It was definitely freezing, what are the chances that it wouldn't be..

I felt a little warm on the inside. I felt like today was the perfect day to do this.

Me and Joshua have been friends for a long time.. And I realized a while ago that I felt something more than that. I've just been afraid that he doesn't feel the same way.

But I'm going to tell him. I need to tell him now, it physically hurts being around him, it gets hard to breathe and I feel so weird around him. Maybe this will help get this weirdness off my chest..

We walked into the entrance of a park. This is too cliche, but I don't care. It was good enough.

I should tell him shortly, it's probably going to be really difficult though, I'm so awkward..

We stopped next to a fountain, it was slightly frozen over. I looked down at my reflection in the water, I looked a bit red. I was so cold..

"Y/n, you dressed a little more lightly than you needed to. Are you cold?" Joshua asked me, causing me to look up at him.

"No, I'm fine.." I said.

"You don't look fine. You look cold. Here." He said starting to take his jacket off.

"No, you should keep it, you might get cold." I said.

He took off his jacket anyways and held it out to me.

I hesitated, but didn't want to seem rude. I slowly and awkwardly put his jacket on.

"Are you sure you want me to wear it..? I really don't want you to get cold.." I said.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." He said.

I felt my legs get a little tired. I really wanted to sit down.. I looked around and saw a bench underneath a tree.

I walked over to it, only to slip on the icy concrete before I got to it.

"Woah, Y/n! Are you alright?" Joshua said. He was following behind me obviously.. he knelt down and grabbed my arm, helping me up.

I'm not even lying when I say I gave up on life when I fell. Now I really wanted to sit down. I sighed and sat down on the bench. Joshua sat next to me.

I felt his arm shiver, he was cold. I told him not to give his jacket to me..

"Josh, are you cold?" I asked.

"A little, but it's okay, I'll be fine."

I grunted, not taking his answer seriously. This gives me the perfect opportunity.. TIME TO MAKE THINGS AWKWARD. (aka my speciality)

I put my arm around him and my other across his chest.

"Be warm." I simply said.

My face heated up. I was way too confident. This is awkward. What have I done- aBORT ABORT ABORT-

Then he let himself relax. He was tense at first, but not.. this felt natural.

I glanced up at his face. It was bright red. holy shit-

"Thanks, y/n." He said, his voice shaking a little.

He sounded nervous.. I think I actually made things awkward. Should I tell him..? I've been way too confident, there's no going back now.

"Joshua, can I tell you something..?" I said.


"Well.. I sort of.. Um.. How do I say it?" I said, messing up multiple times.

"It's okay, you can tell me." He said.

I felt him get closer to me. Is this cuddling or..?

"Well.. You see, I may or may not.. kind of like you?" I said, my voice cracking at the end.

Joshua's breath hitched. BITCH WHAT TEH FUCK- whoops language bYE

I froze, suddenly going into a cold sweat. Did I mess up..?

"Josh..?" I said after a few seconds of silence.

"Y/n.. I- I.." he said, trailing off.

I sighed, and brought my head down to his shoulder.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way.. I just thought you should know.." I said.

"N-No! Y/n, you have no idea!" He said, jumping and breaking away from me. He stood up off the bench.

"No idea of what?" I said, completely dumbfounded.

"I.. I like you!" He said.

I froze again, my face was completely flushed.

"Wha.. Are you serious..?!" I said in complete shock.

"I should've said something earlier.. I'm sorry.." he said.

I unfroze. I jumped up and then took a leap of faith, literally. I crashed into Joshua and wrapped my arms around him.

"No, I should've said something to you earlier. But.. I really like you, Joshua." I said.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"I really like you too, y/n.." he said.


Is it just me who cringes while writing my own imagines..? Idk all of them suck so I cringe while writing them all.

I'll have a Woozi imagine out soon for a special someone, aka my favorite ugli woozi stan, who won't know about my plans til she reads this ;)))))

That's all I had to say


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