❆S. Coups❆

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(I'm writing this in the corner at a family gathering and I stg if one more person calls me a hermit I'm jumping out the window ALSO THEY ARE SHOWING OLD PICTURES OF ME I LOOK LIKE A HIGH GOLDFISH)

"TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS!" I shouted as I heard the door open, my voice cracking halfway through.

"I'm aware!" A voice responded, and I could hear stuff being moved around.

I was currently wrapped up in a blanket in the dark, binging some Christmas movies on Netflix. I woke up quite a while before Seungcheol came back so it was the best resort until now.

This Christmas Eve has gone a lot different from last years.. Speaking of last year..

~ last year (if you couldn't guess where that was going)

"Seungcheol just look at him!" I shouted, making Seungcheol turn around to look at my beautiful creation of a snowman.

"Oh wow.. He's really ugly from here." He said with a laugh.

"Hey! That's your replacement you're talking about!" I yelled, defensively putting my arms around it even if it made them freeze.

Seungcheol fake gasped, walked over to take a look at it. I stood proudly, awaiting the praise for my beautiful work.

I just heard something hit the group and this time a real gasp erupted from Seungcheol. I looked on the ground to see my poor snowman's head on the ground.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I shouted, falling to my knees to take a look at the.. well, what used to be it's head.

"I didn't mean to! I was just pressing the stones in more because it looked like they were about to fall off. But it seems like the only thing that fell off was his head.." He said with a fearful smile.

"Wow, Seungcheol. I knew you had jealously issues but I never thought you'd be jealous of a freaking snowman." I said, holding out my hand to the pile of snow.

"I told you I didn't mean it!" He said, falling down to the ground with me and starting to pick the snow up.

"See, I'll fix it." He said, picking up the rocks to go with it.

It ended with Seungcheol getting frustrated and throwing it all on the ground again. He apologized but I didn't really care because it was funny watching him try..

~ present time

"Why are you smiling like that?" Seungcheol asked as he walked in and turned the lights on.

"Oh, nothing.. Just thinking about last year." I said, and Seungcheol groaned.

"The snowman thing? Listen.. I.. I guess I was just a little jealous of it but are you ever gonna let me live that down?!" He said, which was really amusing.

"Never.. You killed my boyfriend." I said, and he laughed.

"Well you still have me if that's any better. And he wasn't going to be there much longer anyways." Seungcheol said bitterly.

"Come here, ya dummy. You know I wouldn't replace you with a snowman." I said, opening my arms for a big hug.

"Whatever.. But next time that snowman shows up I might fight it." He said jokingly (I hope) as he took my hug invitation and sat on the bed with me.

Hope you're all having a good Christmas Eve! I also hope that you enjoyed this, these imagines weren't the best but I definitely had a fun time writing them! I'll be seeing you next before the year is up, because my bby Shua's birthday is soon!! Bye, thanks for reading! - kAi who is dying

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