Blanket Thief - The8

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"Minghao? Did you take the blanket off of the bed?" I asked down the hall, after mysteriously finding that the comforter has disappeared from the bed.

After he didn't respond, I reluctantly walked down the hall with a sigh to the living room. There, I found him wrapped up in none other than the comforter, fast asleep.

Great.. I guess I'll have to wake him up and make him bring both the comforter and himself to bed.

I walked over to the couch, and gently pushed on his shoulder. He shifted, and I could see his face clearly now. He looked so peaceful and cozy, I kinda don't want to wake him up now.. I can just get another blanket from somewhere, it won't kill me. It's not like that's the only blanket in the house.

I moved away from the couch, walking back down the hall and opening the closet to find an extra blanket. I did find one, and it would have to do until Minghao eventually got up.

I dragged it back into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed, covering myself with it until I was comfortable. I wasn't really sleepy, I was just cold and exhausted.

I eventually got my phone and was scrolling through my twitter feed like I usually do. Totally not stalking celebrities or anything.. Isn't that what everyone does when they go on twitter though? I guess it's not that abnormal.

What am I even thinking right now? I forgot what I was going to do.. I know I came on twitter for a reason.. Oh well, I'll remember at some point hopefully.

Right after I finally closed the app, I remembered what I was going to do. I'm too lazy to do it now, I'll do it later. (Later means three days at the least)

I put my phone down and was tired enough to want to close my eyes and never want to leave this bed. I wonder if Minghao is up yet.. Probably not. Once he's asleep on the couch he's basically a rock until further notice. It's weird that he can do that yet when I try to get him to sleep on the actual bed he can never quite get there.

I got up, now having the sudden urge to go check on him. I threw the blanket to the side and walked back to the living room, seeing Minghao sat up on the couch with tired eyes and messy hair. And he still had that comforter wrapped around him..

"Finally up, Minghao?" I said as I walked over the couch and sat down next to him.

"..Yeah." He said, simply.

He was staring sleepily at the TV, which was playing some random show.

"I dried this like you told me to, and I was going to put it back on the bed but it was really warm so I kinda just.. fell asleep here." He said, smiling probably from the warm memory.

"Well it's freezing, so at least it's understandable.." I said, as he continued to smile to himself.

He untangled himself from the blankets, only to put his arms around me and snuggle his face into my shoulder, still very noticeably sleepy.

As I tried to pull away, he whined slightly and tightened his grip around me.

"Don't go.. You're warm." He said in a whiny tone.

He's like a child right now.. and I love it.

He was soon all the way cuddled up close to me, and I had my arms around him to where I could hold him while he fell back asleep. I felt a lot warmer now that I had at least some of this comforter and not to mention a very clingy Minghao latched onto me.

"I hope you're prepared to be here for a while. I don't plan on getting up anytime soon." He said.

"Yeah, right. If you keep talking you're gonna end up not being sleepy."

Minghao smiled, lifting his head up for just a moment. I turned to him, wondering what in the actual hell he could be doing.

He took the opportunity from my sudden attention towards him and kissed me, not just a short kiss either.

"Just don't get up, okay? I wanna sleep.." He said, leaning back down into his original position, taking a moment to get comfortable against me again.

"Okay.. Have a good rest." I said.

I started to gently pet his hair, because honestly who could resist it if it's literally right there in your face. It had a faint scent of peach.. And it was really soothing. But that means he used my conditioner..? I won't even question it, I shouldn't. I don't want to..

Aside from his hair, he was just really soft in general. I could feel him calmly smile against my shoulder as I trailed my hand slowly up and down his back.

I wouldn't really mind if we were stuck like this for a little while..

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First off, thanks to Kayla for editing this while I was being lazy. (ayejunhui thanks lol)

Sorry for it being so short, but I was really in the mood for a soft and fluffy Minghao imagine, as I haven't written an imagine for him since the literal first imagine of this book and that makes me sad.. Everybody needs fluffy Minghao in their life.

I'm babbling tho, I'll have a longer imagine up next. Idk who yet tho just know it'll be longer than this piece of squeal-inducing trash.

Bye bye ❤️

Seventeen ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora