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before you read:
I pay my biggest respects to SHINee's Jonghyun. Although I never stanned SHINee or really knew who he was, I am aware that he has touched the lives of many people and his worth was great. I was devastated to hear the news about what happened, much like thousands upon thousands of other people. I only hope that he rests in peace, and that he gets the respect he deserves for the important life that he lived. He will be missed by many, including me.
Rest well, Jonghyun.

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I woke up tangled in both the sheets and, slightly, Jihoon's arms. It's freezing in here.. And why is he on me all of the sudden? He doesn't usually lay a finger on me when he's sleeping. Is it because it's cold? I won't wake him up to find out, I don't feel like facing possible death right now. But I do want to get up and go turn the heat up, or something just to make being in this apartment more bearable.

I carefully got myself out of bed, making sure to be gentle when moving Jihoon's arms away from me. The sheets were a different story though, my foot got caught in them while I tried to get out, almost making me fall on my face but instead left me with a painfully loud stumble. It wasn't anywhere near waking up Jihoon though, I guess. He was so tired he must be sleeping like a rock underneath another rock.. He was making his way to the Seventeen dorm but decided to just come sleep at my place since it was closer.

Realizing that I was becoming absent minded, I walked out of the bedroom and walked to the thermostat to turn the heat up. After doing so, I looked over at the clock on the wall to see that it was hella early. Like.. It was six in the morning right now.

Great, on your rare day off is the one day that you wake up early on your own..

I walked over to the window that overlooked the snow covered outdoors. It's really coming down out there.. Seems like I would've been off today regardless. This means that Jihoon can't really leave, unless he wants to freeze his ass off and catch a cold. God knows he might try.. But I don't think that he'd want to pass up a day resting, especially if let's him sleep as late as he wants to.

I thought about making some food for whenever he decided to wake up, but knowing his sleeping tendencies it'd probably be cold and taste bad by the time that he did get up. So I passed off that idea rather quickly.

I decided to just cut on the TV and watch whatever show I could find until Jihoon got up and then I'd have something to do.. Meaning, I'd have to ultimately stop him from trying to leave. Only because I don't want him to get sick when he's already poorly maintaining his health. It's basically the long lost innocent thinking version of 'baby it's cold outside.'

To my surprise, it was only another hour before I heard shuffling coming from my room and then saw a sleepy eyed Jihoon trudge out of the entrance to the hallway.

"It's too early for this.. And it's freezing." He said, and I sighed.

"Yeah, I've turned the heat up twice since I got up. That snow outside is not letting up whatsoever so it's going to be cold for a while." I said, and Jihoon gasped slightly.

"It's still snowing?" He said drowsily, walking and looking out of the nearest window to see the horrific sights of the streets and buildings covered in the yet-to-be sun tainted snow.

He groaned, turning around and walking to the couch to plop down next to me. A few seconds after he did, the power flickered until it ultimately went out all together.

"Are you actually kidding me?" Jihoon said in a high pitched voice, making me snort.

"That's what you get for sleeping so late. It was just fine til' you got up." I said sarcastically, making him scoff.

"Now it's going to be cold and boring." Jihoon said, shifting in his place.

"Don't worry, I'll go get the blankets." I said, getting up and leaving Jihoon on the couch.

I walked down the hall and into my room, opening my closet and taking out a few blankets I had stored on the top shelf for cases like these. Hopefully this was enough to satisfy both me and Jihoon, I made sure to get the extra fluffy ones to make things better.

I walked back into the living room, throwing some of the pile onto Jihoon and sitting down next him. I quickly unfolded the few that I had, laying them out neatly across me and looking at Jihoon. He looked as if he was in some kind of shock.

"Excuse me, I didn't say I wanted your whole blanket stash." He said with a small laugh, making me relieved that it didn't actually annoy him.

To my surprise, he only unfolded one of them and laid the other few next to him. He moved closer and got under my blankets, using the one he had to cover up his entire body and curl himself up into a ball that was pressed against me. My awkward arm that was kind of hovering around soon rested around Jihoon. This is weird, he rarely is ever like this unless he's feeling extra clingy. So this feels like the first time he's ever done anything near similar to it. But it was always nice when he did, and I kind of wish he did stuff like this more often because he's so cute when he does.

"Wake me up when the power comes back on, please." Jihoon said, and I lightly hummed in response.

I concentrated on warming Jihoon every time I felt him shiver at the slightest. I wanted him to be able to rest comfortably like he deserved to since he didn't get to rest this comfortably often.

It made you happy just to have this little ball of fluff in your presence, especially when he was a clingy fluff.

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