Who do you like? - Jun/Vernon [part two]

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>> a few weeks later

"Y/N!" you heard someone shout.

I shot up from bed, my vision blurry. Wait. I fell asleep?! But it was four in the afternoon last time I- oh no.

I rubbed my eyes and focused my vision, seeing Jihoon.

"Why were you sleeping? Are you still tired? Are you sick?" He bombarded me with questions..

"No, Jihoon, I'm not sick. My nap turned into a long sleep.." I said.

"Okay, good. I was worried this would be ruined." he said.

That statement really woke me up.

"Wait, what?" I questioned.

"Oh, right, get out of your ugly rat state and go to the living room. I'll explain in a minute." he said.

He walked away from my bed and to my door, walking out. Was I really in my ugly rat state? What am I even saying, I'm always in my ugly rat state.

I got up and brushed my hair, then walked out of my room to the living room. I was shocked at what I saw.

Because what I saw was all of Seventeen sitting in my living room.

I stood there with a dumbfounded yet done look on my face.

"Surprise!" Jihoon shouted awkwardly in the midst of complete silence.

I stayed silent. How do I even respond to this..?

I eyed everyone in the room. I saw Jun, looking bored as ever, looking down at his knees. Just like last time.. Then when I looked up I saw Vernon giving me an excited look.

Please god just let me live and have simple decisions. (Girl you need to pray to Jisoos right now)

"Y/n.. Are you okay?" Jihoon asked.

"Yes." I responded blankly, contemplating if I was still asleep or not.

I went to turn around to go back to my room before I heard a shift behind me and felt someone pulling on my sweater sleeve.

I turned back and looked down, seeing the youngest one, Dino, tugging on my sleeve.

"Y/n, please don't leave. I won't be annoying towards you, I promise. I don't know about them though.." he said.

"Hey, Dino! Watch it!" Hoshi shouted, smacking him in the head with one of the couch cushions he was holding in his arms.

I chuckled and sat down next to Dino in the floor. This might actually be fun.. I saw everyone's faces light up. We're they all really that excited that I was staying in there with them?

"Okay, so I thought we could watch a horror movie." Jihoon suggested.

I glared at him. He knows I hate them.. maybe it won't be as bad with these guys here.

But, oh boy, was I so wrong..

Jihoon started the movie, I didn't know the name, nor have I ever heard of it before. It started out pretty chill. Just something in the style of paranormal activity. Maybe this was paranormal activity.. I don't know, but most likely.

Soon enough scary parts came up and I died even more on the inside. But I'm telling you, I wasn't as scared as the others were. Except for Jihoon, he'd do his evil laugh whenever we all got scared.

Being next to Dino, I was like his guard from the movie, because every so often he'd bury his face into my shoulder because the movie was getting too intense for him.

Seventeen ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt