First Date - S. Coups

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Requested by: @ohmyGYUd ^_^ (hopefully this is okay ahh)


I swear, today will be the day I die. Not for real, but probably internally. I'm just really nervous..

I mean, it's not like I haven't been on dates before. But they were with people who didn't really make me feel this way I guess.. But I don't know what's gotten into me, suddenly, I just feel really nervous.

Wait. Where did Seungcheol tell me to meet him again..? Agh, I'm gonna have to check the messages.

I took my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my messages with him. The lake next to the park downtown, 2:30.

Well the place would've been difficult, if we had more than one park in this area. At least these details are simple enough.

If I don't leave now I'm probably going to be late, and I don't want to keep him waiting. Am I actually ready though? I don't know, probably not. I'll just wing it, I guess.

"Alright mom, I'm leaving!" I shouted across the house.

"Have fun, bye!" She shouted back.

Then I just left with no more hesitation, (because I didn't have time to do so), and made my way to the park.


I went through the entrance of the park, trying to see the lake. It was a bit away from here. I've been over there a few times, and the lake is really pretty. It makes me kind of glad that he suggested that we go there.

I've been dating him for a while, but we've never actually gone on a proper date. It's kind of strange, I would've thought that we'd do something like this sooner. Well at least it's happening now.

I saw the lake, and I looked around. Seungcheol wasn't anywhere to be found. Agh, I forgot that he had a thing for being late. I wonder what the problem is this time. (I'm only saying this from all the times he's been late for school)

If I would've known he was gonna be late I would've stayed home longer, but I wasn't really for taking any risks today. I want it to go at least halfway right..

I found a bench a little bit away from the lake. It had rained a bit recently, so the bench was kinda.. well a lot soaked right now. I took off my coat and placed it down on the bench.

Hopefully Seungcheol isn't too much longer, I should probably keep an eye out for him though.

I'm gonna play angry birds. Is that game too old to be mentioned now? I still find it entertaining, screw it.


After twenty minutes of raging at this stupid game, Seungcheol still hadn't shown up. I know he didn't forget..

He's coming. I shouldn't be doubtful of that. He promised he would, I don't think that he'd stand up a date that he made plans with. That'd be dumb.

"Y/n? Why are you here so early?" I heard a voice say.

My gaze on the lake suddenly shifted over to where the voice came from. Seungcheol..?

"I'm early?" I asked.

Did I actually screw up the time myself?

"Yeah, I said around 3:30, it's only 3:13.

"Oh.." That sudden moment of realization when you remember that you're an actual failure at life. (but hey you showed up early that means the cute stuff faster >:) hehehehe)

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