(Kinda) Regretting The Binge - Seungkwan

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I took a breath of relief as the final episodes end credits started to roll. I was kind of exhausted, but I just felt empty and didn't really know what the purpose of my life was now.

I'd spent all day binge watching a whole Netflix series with Seungkwan. It was currently half past three in the morning, and Seungkwan was still awake next to me on the couch. I kind of feel bad that he used his weekend off for this.. But then again, we don't do this kind of stuff often so it was nice.

During the whole time we watched it, we would make comments on some of the characters or what they were doing, and even got emotional at some points. (And it became a huge mess really fast.) There was a lot of emotional pain involved with this journey.. But I guess it serves us right, we did stay up half the night..

I grabbed the remote, turning the TV off, only leaving the lamp for a light source. Seungkwan stayed silent, probably trying to regain his lost sanity from watching all of these episodes for so long. I know it's going to take me a bit to do that.

"You can go ahead and go to bed if you want, I'm just cleaning up all of this before I do." I said, picking up the blankets and folding them up.

He shook his head, probably planning on waiting until I was done so I could go to bed with him. I wonder why..

"Say.. Why are you wanting to wait? Usually you're all up for going to bed." I asked, turning towards him and stopping what I was doing.

Seungkwan gave me an awkward smile, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, you see.. Because of some of the stuff that was in the show, I figured you'd be a bit scared being in here all by yourself.." He said, making it obvious he was scared himself.

I laughed, slightly shaking my head as I continued to pick up everything. It didn't take long, considering we didn't move around enough for anything to be considered a huge mess.

"Come on, lets go get some sleep so we don't wake up really late." I said, straightening out the final blanket and cutting off the lamp as Seungkwan rushed to stand up and started to walk to bed with me.

I couldn't wait to get in the bed, honestly. I feel like I could pass out right now.. But then again, it's not really surprising.

After getting to bed and getting comfortable, I noticed Seungkwan looked as if he was wide awake. Kind of like there was something on his mind.

"Are you alright?" I asked, making him jump a little bit.

"Yeah.. I'm okay. I was just.. I guess I just really enjoyed tonight. Even though it was really both emotionally and mentally draining. I enjoyed watching the show and being able to spend as much time with you as I did." He said, mid-sentence grabbing my hand and loosely intertwining our fingers.

"Me too.. It was nice." I said, smiling to myself.

"Goodnight, Y/n.." Seungkwan said, leaning across the small space between us and giving me a kiss before lying back down in his original place.

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Hello everyone!! This imagine is short but I finished season 2 of Stranger Things a little bit ago and honestly I'm messed up. (If you couldn't tell that's what inspired me to write this lol) I don't wanna talk much since this was as short as it is, so ye, thank you so much for reading this lq imagine, Seungkwan deserved better, bye~

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