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"Hey Y/n. You wanna know something I learned recently?" Soonyoung said, tapping his feet around in the snow.

"What?" You asked, watching him walk around like that beginning to become annoying.

"If you wanna tell someone you like them, be really casual about it. Just go up to them and put your arm around them and tell them. They won't know what hit em'!" He said, and I immediately groaned.

"I'm not telling Minghao I like him like that, Soonyoung.. That's too sudden." I said, meaning that it was too much for me to wanna be able to do.

"Come on! You've liked him for over a year! Don't you think that it's about time you tell him!?" He said, half yelling.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I asked, and Soonyoung nodded so quick I heard his neck slightly pop.

After being silent for a little, Soonyoung sighed. He then proceeded to get up and walk off to somewhere, presumably going to find someone else he can annoy.

Should I really tell Minghao..?

And at that moment, as if on queue, I spotted Minghao walking around in the snow by himself. I groaned again, thinking that if there was any good time to do it than it'd be now.. But if this goes wrong I'm gonna kill Soonyoung and then hide under a rock for eternity, literally never to be seen again by any living thing ever.

So I got up. I started walking over to Minghao and my heart was starting to race. I walked up behind him, not hesitating to drape my arm over his shoulder and start speaking.

"Hey.. I like you." I said, quickly snatching my arm away and, speed walking soon turning into running, getting the heck out of there before I could see or hear his reaction.

I got back to the place I originally was, it being a minute before Soonyoung came back.

"So are you going to do it?" He asked, seeing me out of breath and overly filled with stress.

"I already did. Just now." I said.

Soonyoung looked up, giving me the expression of murder and surprise.

"You did!? Oh my god I missed it..! What did he say?!" He yelled.

I quickly shushed him.

"He didn't say anything that I heard. I ran away." I said, and Soonyoung groaned.

"Why..? Why..!? Y/n you made such an idiot move! He could've said that he liked you too!" Soonyoung said, and, once again, I shushed him.

"I was scared he'd reject me.. So I ran. And if this goes wrong I swear you are dead." I said, and after I said that fear seemed to flood Soonyoung's face.

"But.. I never told you to do it.. I said you should, you see. Not that you had to. So clearly, I'm not the one to blame and-" Soonyoung suddenly stopped watching something behind me.

I got his attention and mouthed 'Minghao?' Before he nodded, leaning down to me.

"He's walking a different way with Seungcheol.. But he's close." He whispered, for the first time this entire conversation.

I slightly nodded, turning my head ever so slightly to see Seungcheol with wide eyes staring at Minghao before he smirked deviously. Seungcheol knows about my crush on Minghao, and Minghao is probably telling him what I did.. Oh god, please don't let Seungcheol mess this up..

"Just go to Minghao yourself, Y/n.. I have to go over to Jihoon anyway. He looks lonely and I feel bad. So I'm going to put snow down his jacket and see if he looks all depressed then. Plan my funeral soon, bye." Soonyoung said, getting up and running over to Jihoon.

I groaned, standing up and walking over in the direction that I saw Seungcheol and Minghao go in last.

> 3rd person

"What am I supposed to do Seungcheol..!?" Minghao said in a quiet hiss, talking to Seungcheol behind a tree.

"Look, she's walking over there. Go ask her to be your girlfriend." Seungcheol said back, clearly a little angry that Minghao was being so reluctant.

Minghao thought for a moment, before finally nodding his head with a deep exhale.

"Okay, I'm gonna do it." Minghao said, walking a few steps away before freezing and turning back, "Seungcheol I can't do it I'm scared-"

"Alright, look Minghao. Either you're gonna ask her, or I'm gonna ask her for you." Seungcheol said, and panic flooded Minghao's eyes.

"No no no! I don't want you to! I can.. I can do it myself.." Minghao said, and Seungcheol glared at him with judgment in his eyes.

Minghao finally sighed and gave in after a few seconds.

"Alright, I get the point. Just go get this over with so I can stop freezing..!" Minghao said, Seungcheol grinning before walking over to you.

> You

I looked around for any sign of Minghao, before I spotted Seungcheol walking towards me. I froze, and I could tell he as walking towards me. And when he got close enough, she started to talk.

"Do you wanna date Minghao?" Seungcheol asked, and my eyes widened.

"..What? Why are you asking?" I said back, confused as do why he would ask me that.

"That doesn't matter at the moment, do you want to though?" He asked again, sending me into slight panic mode.

"I mean.. Y-yeah, you know that." I said nervously, and Seungcheol nodded.

"Alright that's all I needed, you're welcome!" He said with a smile, running back in the direction that he came from.

You're welcome..? What did Seungcheol do..?

A few minutes later I finally went back inside because of how cold it was. And Minghao and Seungcheol didn't come too far behind me. Seungcheol smiled at me before shoving Minghao towards me, giving me an adrenaline rush and probably did the same to him as well.

"Alright, you're welcome you two. My job here is done, peace." Seungcheol said, walking back outside.

Minghao sat down next to me, and I was tensed up from the silence.

"Y/n.. I'm sorry that I didn't ask you out myself. I was just really scared for some reason.. I knew I liked you and I knew you liked me but I was just too nervous to actually build up the courage to tell you I liked you." He said, and I smiled.

"It's okay.. I didn't really either, since I ran away, so it's alright." I said, making the situation at hand a lot lighter.

"I hope that I can learn to talk more openly with you.. I already want to tell you all of the reasons that I find you adorable and we've only been dating for like.. Ten minutes." Minghao said with a smile, making me blush a little.

"Just save it for later.. Let's go back outside and see if Jihoons killed Soonyoung yet." I said, and we both got up and quickly got out of the door.

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