Undercover Softie - S. Coups

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Request for MhykaelaLouiseFreino ^_^

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Where did this jerk go? He was literally there like fifteen seconds ago. This is really starting to make me mad, why does he always leave me like this?

I literally can't look away from Seungcheol for five seconds without him already being gone from sight. It was annoying, and when I find him I'm going to have to resist wanting to shout at him for leaving me here all by myself while he went and did whatever.

Curse my friend, telling me it'd be a good idea to date him.. Yeah, he may be attractive and he's not exactly what you'd call unknown among the other people in our grade, but he sure did have problems sticking around. He's probably just trying to keep up his 'tough and rebellious' image. But did he really have to ignore me asking him to wait, even when I added a please at the end?

I wasn't even about to try and text him, he would always have an excuse whether it be something about school or something else and you always knew they were lies. Because since when did Seungcheol actually care about doing something involving school?

So without trying to look for him, I just decided to go home. There was no point in even coming, because this was just expected and I was stupid enough to come, even when I knew I was gonna end up leaving within the first twenty minutes. God, I'm so done with this boy..

As I walked out of the building, I thought about why in the hell I haven't broken up with him yet. I guess.. I would just feel bad. My friend went through all of the trouble to get us to go out and if I broke it off after less than two months I'm sure that would make them feel bad.. I'll give it just a bit longer.. But if nothing lets up I won't even care about it. They can just deal with it..

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, the sound of the notification signifying that it was a text, and I stopped for a moment. Just a little part of me was hoping that it was Seungcheol asking where I went. I could brush it off with an excuse.. He might actually care that I left. I slowly reached into my pocket, my hand shaking as I turned my phone screen on to see the text.

One new text from, 'Seokmin.'

I let out a long and deep sigh, disappointed that my hopes for Seungcheol caring about me were just completely shattered by a text that was sent by none other than the guy who went through hell to set us up.

But I wasn't about to ignore him, he doesn't deserve that.

I unlocked my phone, looking at what he sent me.

Seokmin: Soooo.. How's the date goin'? :D

Me: the only thing that's goin' is me. I'm going home.

Seokmin: Why?

Me: He left again, same thing that happened last time

Seokmin: >:OOOO

Me: Yeah me too

Seokmin: imgonnabeathisass

Me: don't. if anyone does its gonna be me

Seokmin: are you gonna give him another chance?

Me: ...yeah. only one more and I swear to god that's it.

Seokmin: okay.. get home safe, alright?

Me: yeah yeah, talk to you soon.

I turned off my phone, putting it back in my pocket and continuing to walk to my car. This date was shit. All twenty minutes of it. The dates I've been on with him are probably the worst ones. Although I'm not even sure if I can consider them dates because all we did was stand there for a little bit and then Seungcheol would always leave me and I'd have to go home.

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