Evening Blue - Dino

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We sat on a sidewalk in the street of a quiet town, staring at the charcoal colored sky. Dots of white were scattered across the surface of it, the moon illuminating the darkness that lied around it.

I remember that night, you looked at me with this look, that was translated into a feeling. It swam through your eyes like ink, I felt it too.. It was love.

I haven't seen that look in so long, and I miss it so much..

But now. I get to see you again. Face to face.

"Chan! Y/n will be here shortly, come on!" I heard Jeonghan shout to me. I hesitantly stood up, tiredly walking to the front of the dorm.

I was soon met with the other guys, chattering about random things.

Really.. all I could ever think to talk about in this situation is you. I haven't seen you in so long..

Then there was a knock on the door. Everyone turned, Jun being the closest to the door, he opened it.

And there stood you. You had a bright smile on your face, shivering slightly from the biting cold that was outside.

We made eye contact. The way your eyes lit up when they saw me, It's still the same as always.. You ran forward, tackling me into a tight hug. I felt tears build up in my eyes, burying them into your shoulder. You noticed. But you were doing the same as me. I brought my head up just to look at you again.

You brought your hand up to my face, wiping the tear that had escaped from my eye, before leaning to my ear to whisper me something.

"Don't cry, Chan.. I'm here now." You said those words with so much certainty, I couldn't help but to hold you tighter, and I felt more tears leave my eyes.


And here we are now. We're sitting on the sidewalk. The sky is the same. It's silent, I can hear the soft wind. We looked at each other.

I saw it again. That look.

It felt like time froze, like I could melt on the spot.

You grabbed my hand and stood up, dragging me with you.

You pulled me into a hug, with my arm around you, I pulled you close to my chest.

I heard you say the words as you rested your cheek on my chest to look up to sky.

"Chan, I love you.."

I froze at the sound of the words. My heart felt like it was going to explode.

"I love you too, Y/n."

I don't know how I managed it, but the words came out clear. I felt your arms around me tighten.

"It's freezing out here, we should go back inside." You said, not letting go of me.

"..yeah." I said, still jittery from the words said only just before.

I could feel my face still being flushed, and the butterflies were still in my stomach.


as I was lying down, you pulled close to me, I could hardly get myself to even close my eyes.

Of course, you being you, you were already fast asleep.

I could feel your light breathing against my chest, which really calmed me down.

Then I finally shut my eyes.

All I could picture is that starry sky.. and when I said I loved you, I really hope you know that I meant it.


oKay short imagine, but this is mostly inspired by the song Evening Blue by Ollie Mn, it's really chill and I recommend you to listen to it. ^_^

I'm gonna keep this short, gn peoples

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