Mixed Message - Jun/The8

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I smoothed out my dress, before opening the door to the party room. It wasn't a long dress, it went down to just below my knees. I was also wearing heels. I feel so out of place..

I was greeted by my boyfriend Jun, and his best friend Minghao. Jun gave me a quick kiss before telling me what was happening.

"Okay, we're going to eat something. Go light on alcohol, please." He said with a sweet smile.

"Okay. I didn't really plan on drinking much anyways." I said.

He gently took my hand in his, leading me to a table with Minghao following behind us.

I sat down, Jun taking the seat next to me. I stared across the table, seeing my bestfriend, Nia, sitting next to Minghao. She was hosting the party for her 21st birthday.

She told me that tonight she was going to tell Minghao she liked him. And when I say she likes him a lot, I mean she likes him a lot. She's liked him for so long I don't even know how she's gone this long without telling him.


A little into the night, I didn't have any alcohol. I never really told Jun.. but I'm really weak to alcohol. It doesn't take much for me to get super drunk.

I wasn't really interested in getting drunk. I'm just a little fuzzy minded on what I really want to do.. Jun was still next to me, rubbing on my shoulder.

"Y/n, I'll be back in a minute." He said, standing up.

I saw him walk away out of the corner of my eye, not questioning why he was leaving.

Nia had left a little ago to go tell her mother something, I don't know what.

It was just me and Minghao, we were having a little conversation.

"So, how have you and Jun and been?" Minghao asked, awkwardly playing with his fingers, which you could clearly see from where he had lied his hands on the table.

"Good.. Have you been seeing anyone lately?" I asked.

"No.. I just can't find anyone whose my type. They're all too strange and make me uncomfortable." He said.

"Ah, that's how I felt before I met Jun. Just wait Minghao, you'll find someone eventually." I said with a warm smile.

"I don't think so.. I haven't found a person that I've been interested in for a while.." he said.

"No, no! It's okay. I felt like that then, just like you do now. " I said.

He frowned, staring down at the table.

Before any other words were spoken, Minghao stood up, walking towards the direction of the exit. I grabbed his hand as he walked by, causing him to stop.

"Minghao, there's someone who likes you." I said, him turning towards me with a shocked look on his face.

"Really..? Who?" He asked.

I bit my lip, looking down. I can't tell him.. Before I could say anything in response, Minghao pressed his lips softly against mine. This left me shock, not being able to form words.

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