Animal Troubles - Dino

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[I half-assed edited this, it's a draft from June that was in my google docs for a tumblr thing I was doing but kinda gave up on.. So yeah, I apologize for any mistakes since it's old and not edited very well..]

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I was at the animal shelter with Chan, doing all of the daily work we were asked to do. We met through this job a couple of years ago, and we're really good friends and working partners.

Sometimes, things do get a little weird.

"Stop biting me dog!" I heard Chan shout from the other room.

I looked up from the rabbits I was were tending to and walked to the doorway, peeking in the other room and seeing Chan with three of the dogs.

"Y/n! Please help me with these dogs, they're driving me crazy!" He said, trying to hold them back away from him.

Suddenly a little puppy ran out from one of the cages, causing Chan to gasp and try to step over the other dogs. He tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor, the dogs running towards him.

I too let out a gasp, except mine was from finding that funny, not pure fear like Chan's.

I called the dogs over to me, and they all calmly walked to me. Chan moved his hands he was using to protect his face from them and looked to me with the most shocked expression on his face.

"Why are they calm with you?! I try to get them to come to and all of the sudden they're trying to knock me down.." he said with a defeated tone in his voice.

Chan sat up in the floor, and I put the dogs up. Chan still had a mix of a defeated and shocked expression on his face. I laughed, and walked back to the room to finish what I was doing with the rabbits.


"Y/n, can you take the puppy out before you leave?!" I heard Chan say from the other room.

"Yeah!" I responded, getting up off the floor and walking to the other room.

I picked up the puppy from the cage. It was the only puppy we had, the other ones had either grown or gotten adopted already. This one just needed extra care before we could give it away. I walked to the door, seeing a glimpse of the sky outside. It was getting a little dark.

I walked out and shut the door, and after less than a minute, I felt something on my arm. I looked down and saw a grasshopper resting there. I jumped back, turning around, tripping on my feet, and falling into the door. I quickly shook it off my arm and opened the door, running back into the shelter.

I ran back with the puppy, going as fast as I could to the room with Chan.

Right as he saw me, he gave me a confused look.

"That was quick.. Did you fall into the door?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yes, I did, actually. And it's not funny. You take it out." I said, giving Chan the puppy before going to get my stuff.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his expression not shifting from an amused one.

"Emotionally, no." I said, walking to the exit.

"Y/n, wait a second!" He said, getting up and sprinting over to me, puppy still in his arms.

As he got up to me, he stayed silent for a moment. He was standing really close to me for some reason.

"Remember that tomorrow we have to wash the dogs, so make sure you don't wear anything too nice." He said with a smile.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot about washing day.. Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow in something that I'll be able to ruin." I said with a chuckle.

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