Harsh - Vernon

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I awoke from what felt like a 4,000 year slumber. Hotel beds always made me feel like this for some reason, I don't understand how they can be so comfortable.. It felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, not to mention the room was cold, but not to the point where it was a bother. I loved it..

I was sharing a room with Joshua. But he had already left earlier to go with some of the other guys.

I got up and took a quick shower, trying to manage my mess of hair. I finally got it right after a few minutes. I got dressed and got out of the hotel room, walking down a few doors before coming to a stop at one.

I knocked on it, before a groan came from the other side. Suddenly the door came open, and I saw a messy haired Hansol standing before me. I giggled at his appearance, and he just sighed.

"Come on Y/n, Seungkwan's in the bathroom right now so just go sit down." He said.

I went and swan dived onto what I assumed was Seungkwan's bed. It looked a lot more well kept than the other one, so I felt like it was his. I quickly sat up, kicking off my shoes and sitting with my legs crossed on the bed. Hansol walked back into the room, giggling at how I had already made myself comfortable.

"Before you make any assumptions, but I'm sure you already did.. that's my bed." Hansol said, causing my jaw to drop.

"H..How!?" I said in shock.

"Easy. When Seungkwan went to the bathroom I threw all my stuff on his bed and straightened the comforter." He said with a proud smile.

I laughed before taking my phone out of my pocket and sitting it next to me on the bed.

"So Hansol, tell me what we're gonna do today.. You already told me we're going somewhere with some of the guys." I said.

"Yeah, we're just going to the beach. The only people who are going with us are Jun, Seungkwan, Soonyoung, and Jihoon." He said, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.

"Ah, good. I was hoping we were going to the beach today. My skin is clear for once and I want a decent photo to actually show my parents I go outside sometimes.." I said with a sigh.

"It's rare that you go outside." he responded.

"I know, that's why this photo is important." I said.

Seungkwan walked out of the bathroom, groaning and rolling his eyes when he laid his eyes upon the catastrophe that used to be his bed.

"Hey, Y/n. Do me a favor and go get the others so I can murder Hansol with no witnesses." Seungkwan said.

"Alrighty, good luck Hansol." I said, standing up, putting my shoes back on, and walking to the door.

I walked out of the room and went to the door next to it, knocking on it. Minghao opened the door, before Jun came running. He tripped, grabbing onto Minghao's back and almost knocking him all the way forward before Minghao managed to support himself on the doorframe.

"Calm down Jun! it's just Y/n." Minghao said as he shoved Jun off of him.

"Yay! Let's go get the happy couple a few doors down!" Jun said, walking out before Minghao sighed.

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