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We were both in my room, Hansol currently having a nervous breakdown.

I had invited him to my usual family Christmas gathering thing that we had every year. Of course he'd already met my parents, but he would be meeting a lot of my other family. He was afraid that they were going to ask him too many questions and he wouldn't know how to respond to them. He was also afraid that he would say something wrong to them and they'd assume bad things about him..

I've been trying to assure him that everything would be okay but he wouldn't believe a word I said. He was way too on edge. But I really couldn't blame him.

"Come on, they'll love you, alright? I promise.. There's food and candy and everything, it'll be fun." I said to him as I held on to his hands and gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips.

That had to be sure enough for him to give in.

"..Fine. But you can't leave me the entire time." He said back, and I nodded.

"Okay let's go. My mom said she wanted us to be leaving in a few minutes to go to my grandparents house." I said, and Hansol nodded and stood up from my bed.

We walked out of my room and walked past my mom outside who waved to us and said she'd be out to the car in a moment. So we walked outside and got in my moms car, my dad already in there.

A little after we did, my mom came outside, putting the last of her things she needed in the back and we started on our way to what Hansol thought was his impending doom. He was holding on tightly to my hand the entire way there, getting the occasional school questions from my parents and how we were doing and whatever.

I thought it was good for them to do this since he could use it to practice on some questions he could possibly be asked later. My parents know he's nervous just as well as I do. So they're either trying to help or are genuinely interested.

It didn't seem long before we got there, getting out of the car and helping my parents take everything in. We were the first there, since my mom helped my grandma with mostly everything to do with setting up.

After helping, I decided to take Hansol out to the backyard where he could calm down before everybody came out here.

"Are you still as nervous as when we left?" I whispered to softly him as we were sitting on the bench outside.

He nodded slightly, leaning closer to me and taking his hands out of his pockets to slide his arms around my waist and lie his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm actually terrified." He said, and even though I shouldn't have, I laughed.

"It'll be okay, I swear. I wouldn't lie to you and you know that." I said, and he sighed.

"But you don't know, Y/n. I could end up making the wrong first impression or I could say something wrong if they ask me a question.." He said.

"Just don't be nervous.. I'll be with you the whole time, right? You can be calm standing next to me can't you?" I asked, and he lifted his head up to visibly smile at me.

"Yeah.." He said in a quiet voice, before turning back to me. "Thank you, Y/n."

"I love you Hansol, and they will too." I said, as Hansol and I both smiled at each other.

Hansol grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to meet him in the middle for a kiss. As he pulled away I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll be here." I said, and Hansol responses after wrapping his arms around me in return.

"I know you will."

> >

Me and Hansol finally decided to walk back inside five minutes after hearing other people coming. Hansol took a deep breath before walking in, pulling me close to his side before doing so.

When we both walked in, no eyes went to us at first. But it wasn't until we walked into the living room that people noticed Hansol practically glued to my side with no intentions of being anywhere else.

"Y/n..? Is this that boyfriend of yours that your mother tells me about? Isn't your name Hansol?" My aunt asked as she was walking by, and Hansol responded with not words, but with a nod.

"Don't be nervous, I can see that if you two stay like that any longer you'll end up tripping over each other and would probably break something.. Wether it be your bones or something valuable, I'd advise that you be careful. I can promise that you'll be treated as one of the family in no time." She said, giving Hansol a smile before going and sitting back down.

"Told you, Hansol." I said with a smirk, before he playfully pushed me away so we weren't as close together.

"Don't bully me." He said, pouting.

"Let's go do something so the time for food with get here faster. There's not much though, my grandma is really old school because that's such a surprise." I said, and Hansol nodded in agreement to the idea.

Me and Hansol ended up sitting in the living room watching whatever everyone else was on the TV, which was not so surprisingly old Christmas movies.

It went smoothly for the rest of the night, and unlike he thought he would, Hansol did not die. He actually was liked by every single one of my relatives that he talked to. (He had actually only talked to four of them but that's an accomplishment so let us be proud.)

By this time, it was late and we were driving Hansol home. I walked him to the door, and the light was off so you couldn't really see us. (heuheu the author interrupts, I'm not watching you guys I promise, just an advisement to leave room for Jesus even tho he's having a good time off for his birthday, gnite')

"Thanks for inviting me, I'm glad I went.. I love you." Hansol said, pulling me into a hug and kissing me.

I rested my cheek on his chest for a moment.

"I love you too.. I'll see you soon." I said, saying bye and walking back to the car.

This has turned out to be the best Christmas reunion that I've ever been to..

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