Who do you like? - Jun/Vernon [part three]

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I sunk down on the floor back next to Dino. My face went warm and my chest heavy. I feel so awkward.. I also have the urge to murder Minghao.

I wanted to go to sleep now. Hopefully they will soon.. we haven't finished the movie yet, so Jihoon will probably make us watch that before he'll let us sleep.

And as I thought it, he said it.

"Okay, we're gonna finish this before any of us go to sleep." Jihoon said, pressing play. Everyone sighed, including me.

As we suffered through the last twenty minutes of the movie, I had to think about Jun. His face when I walked out of the room. Could Minghao really have told him that I liked him..? I'm not even sure who was listening. But I'm going to assume it was Minghao.

I waited for the movie was over, silently waiting for everyone to start getting ready for bed.

Soon enough, the movie was over and the credits started rolling, causing everyone to sigh in relief, including me.

Jihoon switched the TV off, turning towards everyone and telling them that they could get ready for bed now.

I stood up and ran into my room, changing into a t-shirt and pajama pants. I also grabbed my duvet, dragging it across the floor back with me.

I walked into the living room, seeing everyone had already started lying blankets down on the floor. I lied mine down, then fell down on it.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep after that." DK spoke out.

A few of them agreed. Then a smirk formed on Jeonghan's face.

"Okay.. how about we watch more of them then." He said.

"Beats going to sleep now.." Seungcheol said.

"That's just going to make us even more scared, what is wrong with you?" Seungkwan said in his usual dumbfounded and sassy tone.

"Do you want to go to sleep in total darkness Boo?" Vernon said.

"well.. no." He said.

"Then it's settled, we're going to watch another horror movie." Jihoon said, turning the TV back on.

Here we go again..

I got up and walked to the kitchen, I wanted to delay this a bit. I was still shaken up from the last one. Jihoon is such a troll.. he's watched all of these so he knows what's coming.

I got a bottle of water out of the fridgeand started to drink it. I'm really thirsty for some reason.. (thirsty for Jun)

I stayed in there for another few minutes, before Jun walked into the kitchen. When I saw him I was mid sip and I choked on the water.

When I stopped dying Jun awkwardly rubbed his arm, the silence still dragging out.

"Do you need something?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Jihoon asked me to come and get you.." he said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Tell him to give me a minute, I'm finishing this water." I said, trying to kill more time.

"Alright." Jun said, turning around to walk back into the living room.

I decided to just take the water with me. I twisted the lid on the bottle and walked out of the kitchen, going back to my duvet and sitting down.

Jihoon had already found the next movie. I've seen this.. Hell, I saw it with Jihoon.. At least this won't scare me as much as it will the others.

Even though I've seen it, it's still going to scare me. I kind of distanced my place in the floor away from everyone else because I antisocial and would've felt awkward sleeping close to them..

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